more than 100 m a video amplifier should
be switched between camera and long
cable to compensate for cable losses.
When using several cameras, insert a
camera video switch or video splitter be-
tween the cameras and the monitor (e. g.
As a power supply connect an electro-
nically regulated 12 V power supply unit to
the jack 12 V
12CCD). The positive pole must be at the
centre pin. The power consumption is
120 mA. A DC plug 5.5/2.1 mm (outside/
inside diameters) is necessary.
(3) (e. g. MONACOR PS-
7 Operation
1) After connection of the 12 V supply
voltage the camera is ready for opera-
tion. The LED (2) at the rear panel is
2) Adjust the distance at the lens and set
the iris for optimum picture reproduc-
tion (depth of focus and gain).
3) If the image reproduction is not clear
with correctly adjusted distance, the
mechanical focus setting for the lens
must be adjusted. For this loosen the
two screws (4) left and right of the
thread ring support. Adjust a clear pic-
ture by turning the lens thread ring (5).
Then tighten the screws again.