Eshift With Shimano Di2 Automatic Hub Gears; Eshift With The Intuvia On-Board Computer - Bosch PowerPack 300 BBS245A Manual Del Operador

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English – 2​
eShift with Shimano Di2 automatic
hub gears
You can operate the automatic Shimano Di2 hub gears in
manual or automatic mode.
Use the Shimano gearstick to shift gears in manual mode. In
automatic mode, the gear shifting system shifts gear auto-
matically as a function of the speed, the force you exert on
the pedals, and the cadence.
The change from automatic mode to manual mode (depend-
ing on the gearstick you use) is described in the operating in-
structions for your gearing.

eShift with the Intuvia on-board computer

The engaged gear will be shown briefly on the display
whenever the gear is shifted.
The drive unit detects the gear shift and briefly reduces the
motor assistance level as a result, which means the gear can
also be shifted at any time under load or on a hill.
If the eBike is brought to a stop from a speed of more than
10 km/h, the system may automatically shift down a gear to
a set <Start gear>. The <Start gear> can be set in the basic
settings menu.
Intuvia eShift basic settings menu
You can choose from the following additional basic settings:
<– Start gear +>: The starting gear can be set here. The
automatic shift-back function is switched off in the – – posi-
tion. This menu item is displayed only when the on-board
computer is in the holder.
<Gear adjustment>: This menu item can be used to per-
form fine adjustment of the Shimano Di2. The pre-defined
eShift with the Kiox on-board computer
eShift with the Nyon on-board computer
The gear and switching mode (manual M/automatic A) are
The gear is always displayed in the eShift field. The gear is
always displayed on the start page. If you are on another
displayed briefly during a gear shift only when the eShift
screen, the gear will be briefly shown on the display each
field is not visible (e.g. in settings). An A appears next to the
time it is changed.
gear display in automatic mode.
The drive unit detects the gear shift and briefly reduces the
The drive unit detects the gear shift and briefly reduces the
motor assistance level as a result, which means the gear can
motor assistance level as a result, which means the gear can
also be shifted at any time under load or on a hill.
also be shifted at any time under load or on a hill.
If the eBike is brought to a stop from a speed of more than
10 km/h, the system may automatically shift down a gear to
a set starting gear. The starting gear can be set under
<Settings> → <My eBike> → <eShift> → <Start gear>.
You can carry out fine adjustment of the Shimano Di2 under
<Adjust gear>. The pre-defined setting range can be found
in the operating instructions provided by the gearing manu-
facturer. Perform fine adjustment as soon as you hear the
gearing make unusual noises.
0 275 007 XES | (06.02.2019)
If you use the gearstick in automatic mode, the gear shifting
system shifts to the next gear but remains in automatic
Manual gear shifting operations in automatic mode have a
long-term impact on the gear shifting behaviour of your gear
shifting system and adapt the gear shifting operations to
your cycling behaviour (adaptive system).
When the system is switched on for the first time with a new
wheel which has not been used before, the gears are firstly
calibrated. For this purpose, the automatic system shifts to
the highest/lowest gear during the first trip and then shifts
through all gears once.
setting range can be found in the operating instructions
provided by the gearing manufacturer. Perform fine adjust-
ment as soon as you hear the gearing make unusual noises.
This menu item is displayed only when the on-board com-
puter is in the holder.
<Gear vx.x.x.x>: Variable speed transmission software ver-
sion. This menu item is displayed only when the on-board
computer is in the holder. This menu item only appears in
conjunction with an electronic variable speed transmission.
Intuvia eShift function displays
eShift with the Kiox on-board computer
You can choose from the following additional functions in
The gear and switching mode (manual M/automatic A) are
the function display (combination of text display and value
always displayed on the start page. If you are on another
screen, the gear will be briefly shown on the display each
time it is changed.
<Auto: on>/<Auto: off>: This menu item indicates whether
The drive unit detects the gear shift and briefly reduces the
automatic mode is switched on or off.
motor assistance level as a result, which means the gear can
also be shifted at any time under load or on a hill.
If the eBike is brought to a stop from a speed of more than
10 km/h, the system may automatically shift down a gear to
a set starting gear. The starting gear can be set under
<Settings> → <My eBike> → <eShift> → <Start gear>.
You can carry out fine adjustment of the Shimano Di2 under
If the eBike is brought to a stop from a speed of more than
<Adjust gear>. The pre-defined setting range can be found
10 km/h, the system may automatically shift down a gear to
in the operating instructions provided by the gearing manu-
a set <Start gear>. The <Start gear> can be set under <My
facturer. Perform fine adjustment as soon as you hear the
eBike> → <eShift>.
gearing make unusual noises.
You can carry out fine adjustment of the Shimano Di2 under
<Gear adjustment>. The pre-defined setting range can be
found in the operating instructions provided by the gearing
manufacturer. Perform fine adjustment as soon as you hear
the gearing make unusual noises.
English – ​ 3
Bosch eBike Systems
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