Windows should be protected against irradiation by painting or covering them up to at least
head height.
• Wear welding gloves, with turned-up cuffs, on both hands that also cover your arms when
• Wear solid, insulated boots (not shoes) that provide protection from falling sparks and
molten metal.
Do not wear synthetic clothing or underwear.
Note that your work piece and the remaining welding electrode are very hot after welding.
Wait until the welding point has cooled before removing the slag with the slag hammer or
doing any other work. Wait until the welding electrode has cooled before placing it aside or
discarding it.
As a welder, always wear the appropriate protective clothing to protect your entire body.
Leather gloves with turned-up cuffs for hands and arms, a leather apron and leather work
boots. When welding above your head, wear a protective suit and head protection.
Protection against fire and explosion
• Do not use the device in environments presenting a danger of explosion, or where
inflammable liquids, gases or dust are present. Welding devices generate sparks and molten
metal that can ignite dust or fumes.
• Remove all inflammable substances and materials from the workplace. Welding devices
generate sparks and molten metal that can ignite these materials. Note that, through the
welding shield, you can not recognize a fire that may occur during welding.
• Do not weld empty containers, vessels or pipes that previously contained inflammable liquids
such as fuels, mineral oil or gas. Even when these were emptied a long time ago. Even the
smallest residue can present a danger of explosion.
Do not use the welding power source for pipe thawing! Do not weld on sealed container!
Protection against harmful fumes and gases
• Ensure adequate ventilation. Use a suitable air extraction system. Welding with coated
electrodes produces unhealthy smoke. When welding with high-alloy electrodes, e.g. for
stainless high-alloy Chrome-Nickel steel, be sure to use an air extraction system. The smoke
and gases produced are particularly unhealthy and must not be inhaled.
Ensure that adequate fresh air is available, especially in very small spaces.
Protection against noise and electromagnetic field
Welding procedure may cause loud noise, don't weld for too long time. Use noise protective
device if necessary.
• Workers with heart pacemaker imbedded should do some consultation with the doctor, since
the electromagnetic field may disturb the normal work of it.