Correct alignment leads to a balanced wear pattern.
Use the horizontal azimuth A1 and A2 screws to physically align the
head to a 16mm SepMag track. As measured before the build, you
should aim to have the distance between the mag head face edge
and reader base set to approximately 23.5mm. Note that all adjuster
screws are sprung and grease damped, therefore do not need to
be torqued.
To adjust the mag head height, turn the vertical B1 and B2 screws
equally. Examine the height of the head with respect to the
alignment to film. This helps to make sure the wear pattern is
centered with the gap in the mag head.
Incorrect height leads to an unbalanced wear pattern.
To adjust the zenith, also known as the tilt, turn the vertical B1 and
B2 screws individually. Examine the angle of the tangent of the
head with respect to the alignment to film. This helps to make sure
the wear caused by contact with the gap is even.
Incorrect zenith leads to an unbalanced wear pattern.
The horizontal A1 and A2 screws for azimuth adjustment set the
perpendicular position of the head. Adjust Azimuth A1 and A2
screws for maximum signal modulation and phase linearity.
Incorrect azimuth leads to an unbalanced wear pattern
and poor high frequency response.
Cintel Audio and Keykode Reader Upgrade