GE WPS04160 Manual De Instrucciones página 68

Idiomas disponibles

Idiomas disponibles

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Telephone Numbers.
GEAnswer Center_ Intheu_s_: 8oo._2_.2_o
• "
The (,E A ?s',_e (_ente
s _e ?=4 Eonrs a da?, 7 da?s a _eek.
In Canada,co_tact: M;mager,, Consmner Relations. (amco Inc..
I F__ o_0 L me Sui e 310 b,I_mct_n, N B E !C 9M3.
In=Home RepairServiceinthe_s.: 8oo4az_zzaz
Expert (;,E repah" ser_ke is on])a phone _all a,,_a).
N Caaada, c all _10=361-3400.
Special Needs Servicetntheu.s.: 8 _._z6.zooo
(;E riflers, fi'ee of charge Braille commls ti_r man) (;E appliances ;roda
bmchm'e to assist in planning a ha*fier-fi'ee kitcEen tin: persons with
limimd mobility. N the U.$.,call 800-TOD-GEAC (800-g33-43_). N Canada,
contact: Manager, Conswner Relations, Cart?co h_c., I Factor) l.ane,
Suite 310, Moncton, N.B. El C 9M3.
ServiceContracts_n theu.s.: 8 00-626o2224
Pmch_ se _(}E setx ice c_ntr ct xd_ile?om"_a rr_nt} isstill in e_iect m(
you'll receix e asubstantia! discotmt. (;E Cor_smner Service xdll still be
there __er }our w_rr it? ? exph'es N Caaada,(all 800-48_-3638.
PartsandAccessories _ _e u.s.:800-_Z_oZOOZ
hMMduals qualified to service their {}_r_applia_( es ca_ ]lave parts or
a(cessories sent direct!} to their homes (VISA, MasterCard a_d I)is<_ver
cards are a_epmd).
Nstructieas contained ia Nis mamM cave, procedures
to bepederrnedbyanyuser.Otherservicinggeaera#_sflodd bereNrred to
q_MifiedservicepersoaneLCautionmustbeexercised, siace improper
servicing may cause uasafe operation. Customers in Canada should cons_lt
the _, e lk_ pages lor the nearest Cameo sel_,ice cemer.
P;mted :n the t)rl:ted 5'_ate,_
g97 _
_tyotl are t_otsadsfied with the see'viceyou receive ti'om (;E: First,cot m_ct
the people who sepdced yot_r appliance. Next, if you are still not pleased,
ia the U.$.,w_ite all the det_dls-inclt_di_g yam phone nmnbex_-to:
Manager, Consumer Relatio_s, GE Applia_ as, Appliance Park,
l_ouisvi!le, KY 40225; or, in Caaada, I t) Director, Consumer Relations,
(amco Inc., 1 Facto_3 Lane, Suim 3 t0 Moncton_ N.B. El ( 9M3. Fiadlg
ityom problem is still not resolved, write: M@,r Appliance Consmner
Action Program, 20 North Wacker Drive, Chicago, IL 60606 (U.S. only).

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