1. Sunny
2. Partly cloudy
3. Cloudy
4. Rainy
5. Snowy
6. Heavy rain (blinks for 30 min)
7. Heavy snow (blinks for 30 min)
Change in atmospheric pressure:
Increase: indicates improving weather (sunny or partly cloudy).
Decreasing: indicates worsening weather (cloudy, rainy or stormy).
Stable values: usually corresponds to partly cloudy weather.
Forecast accuracy:
Forecasts the weather 24–48h in advance.
Accuracy is typically around 70%, but varies by location.
Snooze function
When an alert is triggered, the alarm will sound and the ALARM icon will flash for 120 seconds. Press LIGHT/SNOOZE
to turn off the beep for 10 minutes. Press any key except LIGHT/SNOOZE to stop the alarm.