• Some chemicals o r detergents m aybeharmful if
inhaled or ingested, causing severe nausea,
fainting or poisoning. Theharmful elements may
causeproperty d amage or severeinjury.
• DoNotallowCHILDREN t o operate thepressure
washer atanytime.
• Operate engine onlyat governed s peed.Running
theengine at excessive s peeds increases t he
hazard of personal injury.DoNottamperwithparts
whichmayincrease or decrease thegoverned
• DoNotwearlooseclothing, jewelryor anything
thatmaybecaughtinthestarteror otherrotating
• Before starting the pressure w asher in cold
weather, c heckallpartsofthe equipment andbe
sureicehasnotformed there.
• Neverusea spraygunwhichdoesnothavea
triggerlockortriggerguardin place andin working
• Keepthehoseconnected t o machine or thespray
gunwhilethesystem is pressurized. Disconnecting
the hosewhiletheunitis pressurized is dangerous.
• Neveroperate unitswithbroken or missing parts,
or without p rotective housing or covers.
• Check thefuelsystem for leaksor signsof
deterioration, suchas chafed or spongy hose,
loose or missing clamps, o r damaged t ankor cap.
Correct a lldefects before operating thepressure
• DoNot sprayflammable liquids.
• Usea respirator or mask whenever thereis a
chance thatvaporsmaybeinhaled. R eadall
instructions withmasksoyouarecertain the mask
will provide the necessary p rotection a gainst
inhaling harmful vapors.
• Neveraimthe spraygunatpeople, a nimals or
plants. T hehighpressure stream ofwaterthatthis
equipment produces c anpierce skinandits
underlying t issues, l eading toserious injuryand
possible amputation.
• Neverallowanypartof thebodyto comein
contact w iththefluidstream. D oNotcomein
contact w itha fluidstream created bya leakinthe
highpressure hose.
• Always weareyeprotection w henyouusethis
equipment or whenyouareinthe vicinity where
theequipment is in use.
• Highpressure spraycancausepaintchipsor other
particles to become airborne.
• DoNotoperate the pressure w asher above the
• Nevermove the machine bypulling onthe high
pressure hose. U sethe handle provided onthe
• Always becertain the spraygun,nozzles and
accessories arecorrectly attached.
• DoNot secure the spraygunintheopenposition.
• Highpressure spraymaydamage fragileitems
including glass.DoNot pointspraygunatglass
wheninthejet spraymode.
• Holdthespraygunfirmlyin yourhandbefore you
starttheunit.Failure to doso couldresultinan
injury froma whipping spraygun.DoNot leave the
spraygununattended whilethe machine is
• Thecleaning areashouldhaveadequate slopes
anddrainage to reduce thepossibility o fa falldue
to slippery surfaces.
• Keepwatersprayawayfromelectric wiringor fatal
electric shockmayresult.
• DoNot by-passanysafetydevice onthis
• Themuffler a ndengineheatupduringoperation
andremain hotimmediately aftershutting itdown.
Avoidcontact w itha hotmuffler o r engine asyou
couldbeseverely burned.
• Operate andstorethis unitona stablesurface.
• Highpressure hosecandevelop leaksfromwear,
kinking, abuse, e tc.Water s praying froma leakis
capable ofinjecting material i ntoskin.Inspect h ose
eachtimebeforeusingit. Check allhoses forcuts,
leaks, a brasions o r bulging of cover, o r damage or
movement of couplings. If anyoftheseconditions
exist,replace hoseimmediately. Neverrepair high
pressure hose. R eplace itwithanother hosethat
exceeds maximum pressure r atingofyourunit.
• Always storecleaning system withthe
knob in the "OFF" position.
The muffler and air cleaner must be installed and
in good condition before operating the pressure
washer. These components act as spark arresters
if the engine backfires.
In the State of California a spark arrester is required
by law (Section 4442 of the California Public
Resources Code). Other states may have similar laws.
Federal laws apply on federal lands.
NOTE: If you equip the muffler with a spark arrester, it
must be maintained in effective working order. You
can order a spark arrester through your authorized
Sears service dealer.