3.3.2. Dialing
Defines the call parameters. Dialing parameters
Dialing Timeout: Defines the maximum time in seconds between keys presses. If the time between
presses overpass the timeout, device take it as "dialing complete" and starts dialing the call. The
default value is 5 seconds.
Phone Number Length: Maximum length of the number of phone digits. The default value is 32
Enable Dialing Complete Key: When enabled, a specific key can be defined for the "Dialing
Complete Key" to indicate that device can start dialing without wait the dialing timeout. By default
is activated.
Dialing Complete Key: Defines which key does the function of call complete. The default value is
the pound (#) key.
Enable Replace Number Sign With Escape Char: Change the Number Sign with the Escape char.
Dial Tone Timeout: Defines the maximum time for the dialing (in seconds) after that time the dial
tone stops and a reorder tone is played.
Reorder Tone timeout: Defines the maximum duration of the reorder tone (in seconds) after the
reorder tone stops and a howling tone is played.
No Answer Call Timeout: Time to wait before the phone automatically sends a Cancellation
message. When the phone makes a call and the other side does not answer, the phone sends a
Cancel after this timeout.
Howler Tone Timeout: Defines the duration (in seconds) of the howling tone. If the limit is
exceeded, the howling tone stops. The howling tone indicates that the phone has been left off the
Secondary Dial Tone: Enable or disable the secondary dial tone.
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