User manual and warranty card
In Poland, the guarantor is NAC Sp. z o.o.
1. NAC company guarantees smooth operation of the device Murray in accordance with the technical and
operational conditions described in the User Manual.
2. The device is granted a 24-month warranty to the consumer " (i.e. a natural person making a legal
transaction with the entrepreneur not directly related to its business or professional activity) " and a 12-
month warranty when purchased by the entrepreneur "(i.e. a natural person, a legal person and an
organizational unit operating in own business or professional activity)". After this period, the user is
entitled to paid repairs.
3. All damages disclosed during the warranty period resulting from material, assembly or manufacturing
defects will be removed free of charge.
4. The basis for obtaining warranty protection is proof of purchase of the device from an Authorized
Distributor of MURRAY equipment together with the print of this warranty card signed on the day of sale
issued by the official MURRAY Authorized Distributor. Warranty coverage will not be granted if the
warranty print is certified / stamped by a company that is not an MURRAY Authorized Distributor. This
warranty applies within the territory of the Republic of Poland.
5. Defects of the device subject to warranty will be removed within 14 business days from the date of
acceptance at the MURRAY Authorized Service. This period may be extended to 30 business days in
exceptional cases.
6. For reasons beyond the control of the Guarantor, the aforementioned deadline may be extended, in
particular if the product requires additional verification / expertise or there are circumstances in the form
of force majeure preventing its behavior, e.g. flood, fire, strikes, natural disasters, import restrictions, etc.
7. The warranty does not include activities such as: assembly, maintenance, service, periodic adjustment and
cleaning, as well as inspections, oil and filter changes together with materials and parts used for the above
activities. These activities can be carried out for a fee.
8. In order to remove defects or damage, the device together with the proof of purchase and a valid warranty
card should be delivered to: the nearest Authorized Service Center or use a convenient "door to door"
system or to the place of purchase. The device should be cleaned beforehand. The service / shop may
refuse to repair an uncleaned device. If the device is to be sent, the operating fluids (fuel and oil) must be
emptied before handing it over to the courier or seller. The packaging must ensure safe transport, original
packaging is recommended.
9. The method of repair is determined by the guarantor. The guarantor is not obliged to provide
a replacement device during the warranty repair.
10. This warranty applies provided that the device is properly used, maintained and serviced in accordance
with the attached operating instructions.
11. The user is obliged to immediately cease using the damaged device. Continued use of a damaged device
may result in further faults and endanger the health or life of the user or third parties.
12. The warranty does not cover damage resulting from: mechanical damage, misuse, modification or repair
carried out by unauthorized persons. This also applies to the installation and use of incorrect parts and
filters, greases, oils, fuels.
13. Damage to the warranty seals, if any, or the serial number plate can be the basis for rejecting the warranty.
14. The warranty does not cover defects caused by lightning, fire, floods and other natural disasters.
15. The warranty does not cover consumables and components subject to natural wear during operation and
subject to user control such as V-belts, bulbs, filters, spark plugs, road wheels, knives and cutting blades,
knife holders, string heads, cutting chains, chain guides, steering cables, keys and overload pins.
16. NAC is not responsible for direct or indirect damages, losses or costs resulting from the use or inability to
use the device for any purpose.
17. If it is necessary to carry out activities related to the maintenance of the device before starting the repair,
the Service / Store may carry out such activities against payment with the consent of the user / advertiser.
18. If during the repair it was necessary to replace elements related to safety of use or third parties (e.g.
cutting blades, chains, guides, cutting element covers and other safety-related elements), the service is
obliged to replace these elements even if it involves this with the need to charge fees with the consent
of the user / advertiser. In case of refusal, the service will return the product without any repairs.
19. The warranty does not cover any damage caused to objects or persons.
20. The warranty for the goods sold does not exclude, limit or suspend the rights of the buyer who is a natural
person under the warranty for defects of the thing sold.