Liquid Bleach Dispenser
The dispenser dilutes liquid chlorine bleach before it reaches into your wash load.
[-_ Check clothing care labels for special instructions.
[2--] M easure liquid bleach carefully, fbllo_ing instructions on the botde.
• Neverpour undilutedliquidchlorinebleachdirectly ontoclothesor into the washbasket.
• Do notpourpowderedbleachinto bleachdispenser.
_] Befbre starting the washer, pour measured
amount of bleach directly into bleach
dispenser. Avoid splashing or ove>filling dispenser. If you prefer to use powdered
bleach, add it into the wash basket with your detergent.
• Do not mix chlorinebleachwith ammoniaor acidssuchas vinegarand/orrust remover.Mixing can
producea toxicgas whichmay causedeath.
The Agitator
Cap or Fabric Softener Dispenser
Theagitatorcapfits into d_etop ofd_e
agitator. Ifit accidentally comes of[, silnply
put it back on.
Thefabricsoftener dispenser automatically
releases liquid fabric softener at the proper
time dunng the cTcle.
Do not stopthe washer duringthe first spin.
Thiswill cause the dispenserto emptytoo
[-_Add water to dispenser until it reaches
file maximum fill line.
Touse, follow these steps:
[-_ Make sure dispenser is securely
attached to agitator.
[_--] U se only liquid fabric softener.
Pour into dispenser, using amount
on package.
Never pour fabric softenerdirectly on
clothes. It may stain them.
Do not pour anything into the agitator if
the agitator cap or dispenser is removed.
for cleaning.
Cleaning the Fabric Softener Dispenser
Remove the dispenser fi'om the top of the a_tator.
[2--] S eparate the dispenser clip fi'om the cover by _'asping the top and pushing (to_m on
the inside of the clip with your fingers. Dispenser cup will pop fi'ee fi'om the cover.
[-_To clean the dispenser, soak both the dispenser cup and the dispenser cover in the
following solution:
1 USgallon (3.8liters) warm water
1/4cup(60 ml)heavyduty liquid detergent
I cup(240ml)bleach
[-_ IfnecessaIy, loosen build-up with a clean, soft cloth after soaking. Do not use a stiff
brash; you m W roughen the surf_tce of the dispenser.
[_-]Rinse and reassemt)le dispenser. Place dispenser back on the agitator.