1 . P a c k a g e I n s i d e
In parallel kit, you will find the following items in the package:
Share current cable
2-pin red/black cable、4-pin brown cable and 14-pin grey cable
Note: The specs of relay board, wire, and cable are different for 5K (S) &6K(S) and 8K (S) &10K(S) model. Please DO NOT
install 5K(S)/6K(S) parallel kit to 8K(S)/10K(S) model.
2 . W i r i n g C o n n e c t i o n a n d T e s t P a r a l l e l S y s t e m
Before testing parallel system, please make sure every single UPS can work fine as below procedure:
Before testing the parallel system, in order to make sure every single UPS can work fine, please
confirm items below first.
Make sure that the parallel board and OP relay board have been installed correctly.
Make sure that each UPS has the same configuration, including the following parameters:
output voltage,
output frequency,
bypass voltage range,
bypass frequency range,
converter enable or disable,
bypass enable or disable,
bypass open or forbidden,
frequency auto detect enable or disable,
inverter short clear enable or disable
Turn on each UPS into the line mode or battery mode respectively. Measure and calibrate the output
voltage by a multimeter.
Make sure the difference of the output voltage among the UPSs is less than 2.0V(typical 1V). If not, it can be adjusted
the voltage via LCD as bellow (detailed description about this part, please refer to related part in USER MANUAL):
After adjusting the inverter voltage, check if the output voltage detecting is ok. If the difference between the displayed value
and the voltage measured by a multimeter is more than 1V, please adjust it to make sure the difference is not more than 1V.
Then, shut down the UPS to save this setting into EEPROM.
Annex 1 : Parallel Kit Installation Guide
You can choose Add or Sub to adjust inverter voltage. And the voltage range is
from 0V to 9.9V, the default value is 0V.
INFOSEC UPS SYSTEM - 4, rue de la Rigotière - 44700 Orvault - FRANCE - www.infosec-ups.com
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