DEFAULT SET'I'INGS: Whentheun_l i sfimt connecled t o _ 120V/6OHz p ower
s_ply, (and'or tntheeventof a power faila m) temperature sailings e_utomati-
cal_roved b thefollowingdefault s ottisgs;
The_13 default s otllngfortheIslemef ( cable|)temprnature ts the"reel lime"
(ambient) tern_mture ="neasured at thetimetheunil_ noon,clod eJ" p owerIs
The LEDdo;_ault setting tartheset o pemUng temperalure Is50"F ! lO"C_ { niter
apower l eilure hasoccurred,
the previously
set t emperature
erased and v6ll h avelobere.sol}
TheLED defauH setting lottampsraIure so,eolian
("F/'C)is'_R {Ferenheighl
SEI-fING OPERATING TEMPERATURE: Toso_tchange hhe opera_ng temper-
I Press an_release eilher ofthe÷i. {lempemture} !;eye,,
The LEDdisplaywillternperaJgy reveal t he {liashlng} settemperaIure f or
_proxlmately5 seconds. (If you_'1 to seVchenge the opemlin_ temperature
within thL_ 5 sesondpadod,theLEDwillauforna_ly revertbackand display
theInlemal [cabinet) t empemlure.
2 Eachdepression of t_e+,f-key (during ifosh_ moda} will i ncrease theterm
incrementally by 1_(Temperature rangesbetween 43°F _ 57°F16_ _ 14"C)
3, E_.h deplosslon o f the÷iokey (duffr_ tlashiro m_ds)witldecreasethe
tnuemeotal_by 1' (Temperature r angesbetween 43'F - 57_Ft _C -o14°0t
Tile operating t emperature v_L_ '_losL¢ tnthe LEDd_splay l ot apprexinlatoly5
seconds a _ertheselection ismade,then revertbackIs displaytheinternat
(¢nbhet) temperature
TEMPERATURE S ELECTION(=FPC): This unit c anolsplaytemperatures on
the"Farenhs_gbl" or °Celsius"scare. P_ess thetempe'tstuto _e_eclor k eypa_
corresponding m odewID iItnminato I s signitytheselectionmade
Toclean t he inside,
usea soft c loth anda solution
ofa tablespoon
of baklng
soda toonequo_'t of wetoGor a mildsoapsudssolu_on, er some milddeter-
genL Cleanthe woodenwine mc_s(shelves)usin_a l_Jhgy d ampenedcloth
thendry throughly with a soil cloth. Cleanthe outsidewith_ soft d ampc_oth
_d some m_ detergentorappliance c leaner.
Fo_ short vacation p edods, leave_o e_clmni¢con_rol_ ol _ei_ usu_ setL_ngs
_ffng longerobserves.
(a) rermuva bottles,
(b) d_sconnect Imm elsutricaI
(c) cleanthe t'_nocooler thoreughly,
(d] leave d oor o pentoavoid p ossible
Power Failure
Mostpower f@uree are sorrectedwithinan houror two andwill no1ailed1_
_ntemol lempstatumofyour vdno cosier Try and minimize t he number o t
dooropenings while theIX)war is o:r[Dur_g power laIIurosel longerdumtlon,
t_e slopstoprotect y ourwineW_enpowe_" is rsolumd,the ptev_oue_/"set"
operating temperature Is auton_aticatly erasedend must b e re-progr_nmed.
{SeeSetting Opera,rigTemporalum)
Remove or securelyfasten _o',vn all l ooseitemsinsidethe winecooler,, To
_vofddamasTng the leve_ng screws,t_mthorn allthe wayintotheb_o_
Light Bulb Replacsmunl
To replaceIheInteriorlight bulb;
Remove the screwholdingthe tightbulb cover, r emovecover,Uns_ewIfght
bulb, R eplace _ghtbulb,
ap_a,qceuses ash',dural2_waf app#anoe bulb on_',
(ava;@b/eatmost[oca.lha,_'am sfores)Rapfe.comun_ b ulbeh_u_lnot
exce_125 wa_tmlL_,
Replace tight bulbcover.Re@stallscrewtosecurecover
C_neI bondedzed a nd acrylio..ensmeled
accordingto the rn_slmodemoleo
tmstalI¢ sprayingte_niqoos. Hlgh_Jensi_y
polyure_h_e t hermali_suIatlon
Magnetic d oor closure gasket