Fasten thecable tothelowerhandle withthetwo
cable tiesfoundonthelower handle. P ull t hecable
tiestightandtrimofftheexcess. SeeFigure 4.
Cable Tie
Figure 4
NOTE: Your mower is shipped with the handle in the
higher position. If you wish to lower the height of the
handle, refer to the Adjustment Section at this time.
Attaching RearWheels
(If NotAIreadyAttached)
Remove the hex flanged nut on the rear axle from
each side and place the rear wheel on the axle. See
Figure 5. Reinsert the flanged nut into the axle as
shown, and tighten securely. Repeat on other side.
Rear Wheel
Rear Axle
Figure 5
Attaching S tarterRope
The rope guide is already attached to the right side of
the upper handle of your mower. See Figure 6.
Wing Nut
Upper Handle
Starter Ro
Rope Guide
Lower Handle
Figure 6
With the spark plug wire disconnected and
grounded, hold the blade control handle against the
upper handle, and pull the rope out of the engine.
Slip the rope through the rope guide as shown
below. Tighten the wing nut holding the rope guide
to the upper handle.
Assembling GrassCatcher
If the grass catcher came pre-assembled,
proceed to the next section. If # came unassembled,
follow the steps below
to assemble
# first, before
attaching to the mower.
Insert frame into grass bag with the black plastic
side on the bottom of bag. See Figure 7.
Slip the openings in the side of the plastic channel
on bag over the hooks on the grass catcher frame.
Secure bag to the frame by working the six plastic
channels on bag over frame. All of the plastic chan-
nels except the center top of the bag attach from
the outside of bag. The center top of the bag
attaches from inside the bag. See Figure 7.
Grass Catcher
Insert frame
into bag
Grass Bag
Grass Catcher
Figure 7
Attaching GrassCatcher & Chute
Never operate the mower
unless the hooks on the grass catcher are
firmly seated on the chute pivot rod, and the
rear discharge door rests firmly against the top
of the grass catcher.
IMPORTANT: Make sure cable is routed to the outside of
the handle so that it is not in the way when attaching the
grass catcher.