5.3 Operating Instructions
To look outside the door:
-In normal mode, you can observe the outside of the door by pres-
sing the button.
-When visitors press the door bell, the bell will ring inside the house.
The display will turn on automatically showing the picture of the outsi-
de. It will turn off automatically once the set time is reached.
-In normal mode, press and it will take a picture of the outside and
save it automatically.
-Also when the peephole buzzer is pressed, the camera will automa-
tically take a picture of the visitors, and the picture will be saved to the
memory card, in order to verify the identity of the visitors or use the
information for security purposes.
*Playback and deletion of photos:
-In normal mode, press
-When browsing through the photos, press
-When you review the photos, press the button
rrent photo. After a short press of the button, you will see the bin icon
to confirm deletion.
to reproduce the photos
to choose the
to delete the cu-