Craftsman 37146 Manual De Las Instrucciones página 3

Sate Operra.tlon PracUcee for Pedestrian-Controlled
Rotary Lawnmowers
IMPORTANT. Thissurfingmachine is capableof amputatinghands and feet and throwing objects.
Failureto observethe following safety Instructions o_JIdresultIn serious Injuryor death.
I. _al.lng
• Read the Instru_ons carefully. Be familiar with the
controlsand the properuse ofthe equipment.
• Never allow children or people unfamiliarwith the
Instructions to use thelawnmower.Localregulations
may res.trlctthe age of the operator.
• Never mowwhilepeople, especially children,or pets
are neerW.
• Keep in mindthat the operator or user Is responsible
for accidentsor hazards oecurrlngto otherpeople or
their property.
• While mowing,alwayswsar subatandal f ootwsar and
long trousers. Do not operate the equipmentwhen
barefootorweedng open sandals.
• Tboroughlyinspect theareawherethe equipment Isto
be usedand removeall objectswhichmaybe thrown
by the machine.
• WARNING - Petrolis highlyflammable.
- Storefuel incontainers specifically designedforthis
- Refueloutdoors onlyand do notsmokewhile refu-
- Add fuel beforestartingthe engine. Never remove
thecap ofthefueltankoradd petrolwhiletheengine
is runningor when the engineis hot.
- If petrolisspilled,do notattemptto startthe engine
butmovethe machineawayfromthearea ofspillage
and avoidcreatinganysoumeof ignitionuntilpetrol
vaporshave dissipated.
- Replace all fuel tanks and container caps se-
• Replacefaulty silencers.
• Before using,always visuallyinspectto see that the
blades,bladeboltsand cutter assemblyare not worn
or damaged. Replaceworn or damaged bladesand
boltsin sets to preservebalance.
• On multi-bladed machines,take care as rotating one
bladecan cause otherbladesto rotate.
III. Operation
• Do not operatethe enginein a confined spacewhere
dangerouscarbon monoxidefumes can collect,
• Mow onlyin daylightor in goodartificiallight.
Avoidoperatingthe equipmentIn wet grass, where
• Alwaysbe sure of yourfooting on slopes.
• Walk,never run.
• Forwheeledrotarymachines,mowacrossthe face of
slopes,neverup and down
• Exemiseextremecautionwhenchangingdirection on
Do not mow excessively steepslopes.
• Use extreme caution when reversingor pullingthe
lawnmower towardsyou
• Stop the blade if the lawnmowerhas to be tilted for
transportatfon when croeslng sudsces otherthangrass,
and when transporting the lawnmower t oand fromthe
area to be mowed.
• Neveroperatethelawnmowar w ith defective guards,or
withoutsafetydevlcos,for exampledeflectorsend/or
grass catchers,In place.
• Do not change the engine governor settingsor over-
speed theengine. Operatingthe engineat excessive
speed may increasethe hazardof personal Injury.
• Disengageall blade and driveclutchesbeforestarting
the engine.
• Start the engine or switchon the motorcarefully ac-
cordingto Instructions and with feet well away from
the blade.
• Do nottilt the lawnmowar w hen startingthe engineor
switchingon the mOtor,exceptifthe lawnmower has
to be tiltedfor starting. In this case, do not tilt more
than absolutelynecessaryand liftonlythe part which
is awayfrom the operator.
• Do not start the englcawhen standingIn front of the
Do notput handsor feet near or underrotatingparts.
Keep clear of the dischargeopeningat all times.
• Never pickup or carry lawnmower w hilethe engineis
• Stop the engine and disconnect t he sparkplug wire:
- beforecleaningblockages or unclogging chute;
- beforechecking,cleaningor worldngon the lawn-
- afterstriking a foreignobject.Inspect t hetswnmower
for damageand make repairs beforerestartingand
operatingthe lawnmowar;
- If the lawnmower s tarts to vibrateabnormally (check
• Stop the engine:
- wheneveryou leave the lawnmower;
- beforerefuelling.
• Reduce the throttlesoiling during engineshut down
and, ifthe engineisprovided witha shot-off v alve,turn
the fuel off at the conclusion of mowing.
• Go slowwhen using a trailingseat
IV. Maintenance
and Storage
Keep all nuts, boltsand screwstight to be sure the
equipmentisin safe workingcondition.
• Neverstoretheequipment withpetrolinthetankinside
a building where fumes may reach an open flameor
• Allowthe engine to coolbeforestoringin any enclo-
• To reducethe fire hazard,keep the engine, silencer,
ba_lory compartmentand petrol storagearea free of
grass, leaves,or excessivegrease.
• Check the grass catcher frequently for wear or dete-
• Replaceworn or damagedpartsfor safety
• If the fuel tank hasto bedrained,thisshouldbo done