Todetermin e how muc h Copper tubing you need:
Measure d m distance f_'0m the water valve on file backof tim
refiqgemmr to dm water supply pipe, Then add 8 feet (244 cm),
Be sure there is sufticient extra tubing labour 8 feet (244 cm)
coiled in m 3 turns of about 10 inches (25 cm) diameter]
to allow
die refrigerator
m move out fi'om die wall "alterinstallation.
A cold water supply. TILe water pressure must be between
20 and 120 p.s.i.
,'_ Power drill.
Copper tubing, 1/4" outer diameter to connect the ret['igerator
tile water supply. Be sure 1)oth ends el tile robing are cut square.
Donot useplastictubingor plasticfittingsbecause the watersupplylineis under
pressure at aft times.Certaintypes of plastictubing maybecome bdtt/e witbage
_ Two 1/q"outerdiametercompression nutsand2 ferrules(sleeves)---
to/onnect tile copper robing to tile shutotl valve and tile
reti'igerator water valve.
}_:It your existin _ ater line has a tlared tilting,- at the end you will
need an adapter (available at plumbing supply stores) to connect
tile water line t( tile reti'igerator
ORyou can cut off tile tlared
titling with a tubecutterand then use a compression
/ Shutoff valve to connect to the cold water line. TILe shutoffvalve
should have a water inlet with a minimum
inside diameter ot
5/32" at the point ot connection
to the COLDWarEl_tllVE. Saddle-
t?pe shutott valves are included in many _ater supply kits. Beii_re
make sure a saddle-type valve complies with }our
local plumbing
Shut Off the Main Water Supply
on tile iLearest faulet long- enough to (lear tile lille ot water,
!!i 'i !i
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