Selected temperature
Usually: The upper rails are suitable for grilling and the lower rails are suitable for rest-
Important: Since extremely high temperatures are used, the grilled food must always be
Grilling time:
Meat: per side 1 – 4 minutes (depends on thickness)
Poultry: per side 2 – 3 minutes (depends on thickness)
Resting time: 3-5 minutes in the resting time. Before serving, the meat can be grilled
briefly from both sides.
As there are various personal preferences, experiences should be gathered in terms of
temperature setting, insertion level and time.
When the grill plate is placed inside the grill area, remove the handle from the grill plate
immediately to avoid heating it.
Caution: Handles present a risk of scalding when heated.
In order to achieve the best grill effect, meat should be as close as possible to the heating
elements and positioned centrally under the heating element to ensure uniform irradiation
of the food, but do not contact the heating element.
To turn the meat you should completely remove the grill plate and place it on a fireproof
surface. Turn the meat over and put it back into the grill area. (Use a grill tong instead
of sharp utensils to avoid the meat juice flowing out). You may reset baking value for the
reverse side's grilling or press the knob 3 times in quick succession to get the 1st side
baking values.
The strong radiant heat at a high temperature setting between 650 °C and 850 °C en-
sures rapid browning or crusting. In most cases, it is recommended after strong irradi-
ation to remove the meat and let rest in the lower rails or directly in the drip tray of the
lower trail. (Caution: This may be very hot and should be placed on a fire-proof base with
the plate handle to remove them).
In order to avoid grease drops on the work surface, which may happen while pulling out
the grill plate, firstly pull out the lower drip tray to 2/3.Then pull out the grill plate.
3. Drip tray
By default, the drip tray should be inserted in the second lowest rail during the grilling
process. It can get hot and, just like the grill, should only be operated with the plate han-
The drip tray separates the upper and lower grill compartments and prevents the heating
of the lower area. Thus, the meat juice and the fat can flow down, flow into the rest tray
(which is placed in the lowest rail) and remain there largely protected from the heat and
infrared radiation, which could be used to make sauce with some coriander for the grilled
food afterwards.
When grilling several pieces of meat, the first can rest in the lower area after grilling while
others are being grilled. Subsequently, the drip tray may be removed and all of the grilled
meats may continue gently cooking at reduced temperature.
Although the dripping grease drains off quickly into the rest tray, a thin film of grease
may adhere to the surface of the drip tray. Because of the strong infrared radiation, it
can burn into the surface. From a practical point of view, it is recommended to remove
the drip tray briefly between rounds of grilling and wash with water or wipe with a damp
cloth, and pay attention to not being scalded when wiping.
4. Cancel grilling
If you wish to stop the process during grilling, for example to change the set temperature
or to shut down the equipment please long press the knob.