Va/vO--The check valve ptevents a backward flow of product water fiom the storage tank. A backward flow could
cause the Reverse Osmosis meInblane to rupture.
conserve water, the drinking water s_stem has an automatic shutoff When the storage rank
has filled to capaci_ and the drinking water f:,mcetis closed, presstHe closes the shutoff Water flow to the ReveFse Osmosis
housing is shut offuntil drinking water is used again, and p_essme drops in the Reverse Osmosis s_stem.
Control--The flow cont_ol regulates the flow of water th_ough the Revezse Osmosis cartti(tge at the requiled rate to
p,oduce high quality water The control is located in the 1/4" drain line exiting off the manifold.
c ountertop
faucet dispenses filtered drinking water when opened. It h_ksa hand-operated
leve_; with variable flow adjustment. You can keep the faucet open b}_removing },,ourhand flom the level once water is
flowing. To comply with plumbing codes, an air gap is built into the faucet drain water connection.
The electronic faucet provides a six monfll timer and flow monitor m remind you when it is time to replace your
prefilmr and postlqlm_. Replace these when the amber filter light flashes. The faucet also provides an amber RO light
indicating when the Reverse Osmosis caruidge is no longer filmring out at least 75% of the TDS. Replace this cartridge
when this amber light flashes. The green flashing light will indicam the system is flmcfioning