Intended use
The product ELECTRIC CHAIR is a device indicated to effortlessly transport patients (over
40kg) in hospital and pre-hospital environments thanks to its electric transport function when
going up and down stairs.
Contraindications and side effects
Any contraindication or side effect have been resulted from the clinical analysis of the
ELECTRIC CHAIR family of products.
Physical requirements of the operators
Promeba electric chairs are intended exclusively for professional use. Each operator must be
trained to transport patients safely and efficiently. Do not allow untrained persons to assist
during use of the product, as they may cause injury to others or themselves. The device is
intended to be used by medical transport technical personnel or ambulance technicians who
have knowledge and experience with patient transport.
Operators must be able to provide the necessary assistance to the patient.
Users must be able to safely lift and manipulate the weight of the assembly consisting of the
chair, the patient, and any other equipment used with the device.
For patient loading techniques, for particularly heavy patients, for interventions on steep
terrain or in particular and unusual circumstances, the presence of several operators is
recommended (not just 1 as expected in standard conditions).
Operators must be able to evaluate any anomaly of the system/assembly, communicating
the problem to those responsible and interrupting the use of the devices if necessary to
ensure patient safety.
The capacities of the various operators must be considered before
determining his role in the employment of the board.
REV. 2023/10