The coffee has little or unpleasant
There is little or no creamy top
The cream is too light
Coffee flows too rapidly
Water flows instead of coffee
Coffee flows over the sides of the
Water drops from the steam nozzle
There's coffee powder left in the
bottom of the cup
Coffee tastes like burned
Possible causes
The ground coffee may be stale or
too acid
Your tap water may be of bad quality
or contain chloride
Coffee may be stale
Very coarse grind
Coffee dose with less than 7grs
Not enough pressure tamping
Cremaker filter not well adjusted
The pod is not correctly placed
The filter is not adequate for pods
Too much coffee in the filter, more
than 7 grs
Tamping with far too much pressure
Pod incorrectly placed
Porta-filter is not correctly placed in
the machine
There's coffee remaining in the brew-
Cremaker filter or porta-filter are
Steam control is open
Steam control is worn
Far too thin coffee grind
There's coffee remaining in the
Cremaker filter is damaged|holes are
too large
Cremaker filter holes are too large
Coffee grind is too thin
There is too much coffee in the filter
(more than 7grs)
Coffee grounds were tamped too
Water temperature may be too high
Try another brand
Always use fresh coffee
Use filtered water or bottled water
Always use fresh ground coffee
Try a finer grind for espresso|adjust
the grinder level to a finer grind
Increase the amount of coffee - use
the measuring spoon (1 spoon=1 cup)
Tamp the coffee with a bit more
Clean and tighten the screw of the
Replace the filter
Center the pod in the filter
Use the Cremaker filter for one dose
(for pods, or 1 cup ground coffee)
Reduce the amount of coffee
Use measuring spoon (1 spoon for
each cup)
Gently tamp the coffee
Center the pod in the filter
Tighten the porta-filter
Clean the brew-head
Clean and unscrew the screw of the
Cremaker filter
Replace the filter*
Clean the porta-filter
Replace the porta-filter**
Close steam control
Replace steam control*
Try another coffee brand for espresso
Adjust the grinder level to a coarser
Clean the porta-filter with water
Clean and tighten the screw of the
Replace the filter*
Try another coffee brand for espresso
Adjust the grinder level to a coarser
Use a smaller amount of coffee|use
the measuring spoon (1 spoon=1
Gently tamp the coffee
Proceed as if you were about to
prepare a coffee using no coffee
Verify/replace the thermostat*