We strongly recommend that you issue an alert to check that the configuration of your
X-SAFE app is operational. A countdown begins. The user can stop the alert by pressing
the "Cancel" button. At the end of the countdown, a call and/or SMS is automatically
sent to the person previously selected.
Any activity is potentially dangerous and can sometimes result in injury or death.
App Users are entirely responsible for their activity and must know how to anticipate
potential hazards. They must also be able to assess their physical capacity for a given
activity. In particular, while images of sometimes extreme sports activities may be used
to advertise and promote a device, to demonstrate the resistance and performance of
your phone, UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES should these images incite the User to engage
in these or other similar activities.
Access and use of the Apps are at the sole risk of the User. As a result, CROSSCALL
shall not be held liable for any damage resulting from access and/or use of the App
or the information it contains. The User is also informed that CROSSCALL could be
forced to temporarily interrupt access to the App for technical reasons, in particular for
maintenance purposes. The User accepts these interruptions and waives any claims in
this regard.
The App and Services are provided "as is" and "as available" without any guarantees.
CROSSCALL makes every effort to guarantee the reliability of the App and its content.
However, if the User notices any errors or omissions, CROSSCALL would be grateful if
The User declares that they are aware of and accept the characteristics and limitations
of the mobile telephone network and the internet and, in particular, the functional
characteristics and technical performance of these networks; problems related to
connection and/or access to networks and/or websites; problems related to availability
and congestion of the networks; problems related to the failure or saturation of networks;
problems related to transit time, access to online information, response times for
displaying, consulting, querying or otherwise transferring data; risks of interruption;
lack of protection of certain data against possible hijacking or hacking; risk of
contamination by possible viruses present on the networks, etc. for which CROSSCALL
may not be held liable. The User acknowledges that they have been informed of these
provisions, and may not hold CROSSCALL liable in the event of death, accident, illness
and/or any type of incident caused in particular by inappropriate practice or use.