C) Connect the cuffs to the control unit and apply
cuff to one leg.
If you are wearing trousers, take them off before applying the cuffs so
as to ensure the treatment is effective and not unpleasant. If you are
wearing tights or compression stockings, you can keep these on.
can also be used by applying one
1. Spread out the cuffs at the point where
the treatment is to be carried out.
2. Pick up the connection tubes. Attach the
tube ends to the tube contacts on the
3. Open the zips of the cuffs.
4. Sit down and place your legs in the cuffs.
5. Close the zips of the cuffs. If you have
problems, read the tips below about how
to put on the cuffs.
6. Put the righthand connection tube on
the control unit tube connector marked
R and put the lefthand connection
tube on the control unit tube connector
marked L. Make sure the tubes are firmly
attached to the tube connectors.
If you are only using one cuff, close the
unused control unit tube connector with
the seal plug.