extremities. If you have a medical indication, please consult your doctor before
Only use it as described in the operating instructions. Any other use is deemed
to be improper.
The following are excluded from the warranty: all defects caused by improper
handling, damage or unauthorised attempts at repair. The same applies to nor
mal wear and tear.
not require any special knowledge or skills.
40 minutes on each occasion. The system is suitable for longterm use.
The indications and contraindications listed below are taken from the current
guideline for apparative intermittent compression (AIC or IPC) issued by the
German Society of Phlebology. For more detailed information, please consult
the "S1 Guideline 037-007, Intermittent Pneumatic Compression (IPC, AIC)"
version 20.06.2017 incl. editorial revision SR 11.01.2018, published by AWMF
online – the scientific medical platform.
Apparative intermittent compression (AIC) is designed for the treatment of the
following symptoms:
Leg swelling caused by lack of movement, for example due to standing for
long periods of time in the case of sales personnel, due to sitting for extend
ed periods when doing office work or due to long-haul travel
Swollen legs due to being bedridden or as a result of pregnancy
Swollen legs following a medical diagnosis
Venous diseases such as varicose veins and spider veins
Prevention of embolisms due to being bedridden
Lymphatic system swelling (lymphoedema)
Lowerleg ulcers caused by a venous circulation disorder
Congestion due to joint injury or overexertion, e.g. haematoma and sore mus
cles in the event of sport injuries
** Please consult your doctor.
may only be used for decongestion of the
is designed for private use at home.
is designed in such a way that the user does
may be used up to 3 x per day for 20 to