6.4 Uniformity/Sprayability Test
Uniformity test is to find out the difference of
the injectors injecting at the same working
condition. This test can indicate the compre-
hensive influences on the injector caused by
electrical nature, bore variation and clogging.
Spray ability test is to inspect the spraying
performance by observing the injectors.
Installing and testing procedures for injectors
1) Choose a proper adaptor according to the
injector type and mount it to the fuel distribu-
2) Install the injectors in forward direction
(Apply a little lubricating grease on the O-ring.)
3) Install the fuel distributor with injector onto
the plate of the test tube.
4) Connect the injector pulse signal wire.
5) Before doing this test, press DRAIN icon to
drain the test liquid from the measuring cup if
there is any.
6) Select Uniformity/Sprayability test function,
set corresponding parameters (consult the
appendix for pressure setting, consult vehicle
manuals for other parameters as needed), and
then press ENTER key to start the test.
7) When the test is completed, the equipment
will auto stop with the ring of the buzzer.
a) While testing, it can drain fuel by pressing
DRAIN icon. At default, solenoid valve is set at
the closed state. Uniformity test can be done
at this state. When DRAIN icon is pressed, so-
lenoid valve will drain oil.
b) The system pressure can be adjusted by
pressing < or > key at testing.
c) During operating, the user can select para-
meter, such as RPM or PW, and then press < or
> key to achieve the status of the simulation.
d) Good injectors may have identical injecting
angle, uniform spraying but no jet. Otherwise,
replace the injector.
e) In the sprayability test, a special electrical
parameter--the minimum injection pulse wi-
dth of injector-- can be tested, to compare
the injectors on the same engine. That is to
set cylinder No., start the test from minimum
injection pulse width, and then gradually in-
creases the pulse width till the injector starts
injection (observed with the help of backli-
ght). The value set at this moment is the mi-
nimum injection pulse width, so the difference
of minimum injection pulse width among the-
se injectors could be observed.
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