f Before installation, carefully check the following .
1) Unit should be installed in accordance with national and local safety standard, local plumbing and wastewater
standard and any other applicable standard .
2) For rooftop installation, be sure the structure has enough strength to support the weight of unit . Unit should be
installed on roof curb and leveled .
3) For ground level installation, a level slab should be used .
4) Condenser airflow should not be restricted .
5) On applications when a roof curb is used, the unit must be positioned on the curb so the front of the unit is tight
against the curb .
f All units require certain clearance for proper operation and service . Refer to Fig . 1 for the clearances required for
construction, servicing and proper unit operation .
f All units require certain clearance for proper operation and service . Refer to Fig 1 for the clearances required for
construction, servicing and proper unit operation .
<Fig. 1>
f Duct clearance: 1 inch clearance for all sides of air supply duct .
1) Units must be installed in outdoor . Over hanging structure or shrubs should not obscure condenser air discharge
outlet .
2) Units may be installed on combustible floors made from wood or class A, B or C roof covering materials .
• For units applied with a roof curb, the minimum clearance may be reduced from 25 mm to 13 mm between
combustible roof curb material and this supply air duct .
Rooftop_ODM_IBIM_EN_2020001B8001.indd 20
Overhead air Clearance ≥ 3000 mm
2014-06-11 오후 8:07:21