The heater band model 969-9803 and 969-9804
can be used to heat the pump casing when a
bakeout is needed.
This type of heater band fits only on 969-9008 se-
ries pumps. It is is applied to the upper part of the
pump casing, as shown in the figure, and heats it
to a temperature of about 80° C.
The heater band must be mounted such that there
is perfect thermal contact with the pump wall to ob-
tain fast and efficient heating.
Switch on the heater while the turbopump is in op-
eration. If, for any reason, the turbopump body
overheats, it will be automatically cut out by the
thermistor sensor.
The turbopump must be "baked" only when
operating with an inlet pressure less than 10
mbar and with water cooling.
If the chamber of the system is "baked" at a high
temperature, a shield should be installed to pre-
vent thermal radiation heating the high vacuum
flange on the pump. The maximum temperature
allowed for the inlet flange is 120° C.