Standards and legal provisions
Standards and legal provisions shall always be applied in the most recent version.
The following must be observed when installing and operating the filter:
DIN 19628-2007, Mechanical filters for drinking water installations
EN 806, Specifications for installations inside buildings conveying water for human consumption
DIN 1988-200, Codes of practice for drinking water installations
DIN EN 13443-1, Water conditioning equipment inside buildings - Mechanical filters - Part 1: Particle
rating 80 µm to 150 µm - Requirements for performance, safety and testing
German ordinance on the quality of water for human consumption ("Trinkwasserverordnung")
German Federal Water Act ("Wasserhaushaltsgesetz")
German act for promoting closed substance cycle waste management and ensuring environmentally
compatible waste disposal ("Kreislaufwirtschafts- und Abfallgesetz")