4 Test procedures
Opening Screen
The opening screen displays the image of the eye in the upper left hand corner and a Recording menu
that allows you to select which test you want to perform.
Figure 3.5.5-1
vHIT User Interface
Eye calibrations
Place the goggle on the patient and select Calibration - Standard. Fasten the goggle strap. This is
essential to avoid the artifact "slippage", e.g. a delayed recording of the eye movement in relation to
the head movement. Position the camera cable centered in the back of the head. This is important to
avoid touching it during head impulses.
Prepare the patient
A click on the Prepare button will display the calibration screen and turn on the red calibration laser
dots. In prepare mode you can instruct the patient and use the real-time tracings to monitor eye and
head movements and check for noise or artifact before beginning the calibration.
Ask the participant if all five appearing laser points are clearly visible. If not, special lenses can be
applied to the goggles for short sight correction.
EyeSeeCam vHIT - Instructions for Use - EN