Su richiesta in fase di ordine il forno può essere predisposto per il funzionamento a
metano, la conversione consiste nel montaggio di ugelli calibrati adatti e alla rego-
lazione del minimo specifiche per la categoria di gas. Paesi e pressioni omologate
sono indicate nelle pagine successive. L'allaccio alla linea Metano domestica deve
essere fatta in rispetto delle norme locali e solo da personale qualificato. La linea
gas a monte del forno deve avere una valvola di intercettazione on/off obbligatoria.
Il collegamento al forno può essere fatto con tubazione rigida(sconsigliato) o fles-
sibile, il diametro della filettatura in ingresso è G½" F con guarnizione di tenuta. La
guarnizione va sostituita ad ogni sostituzione del tubo in ingresso o dopo lunghi
periodi di inutilizzo.
Eseguire sempre un test di tenuta su nuovi allacci o dopo sostituzioni tubo o guar-
G1/2" F
When storing the appliance for long periods of unused time, remove the cylinder
and cover it so that good ventilation can be guaranteed to reduce condensation.
Store the Cylinder outdoors in a well-ventilated area.
This gas appliance must not be altered or tampered with.
Any accommodation or assistance must be carried out by a technician.
Regular maintenance is advisable.
See maintenance instructions.
When the oven is cold or before each use, remove any food residue from the hob
due to previous preparations. With a vacuum cleaner clean and release the area
around the burner to avoid malfunctions due to ash or food residues. The external
parts must be kept clean regularly to prevent oxidation phenomena, especially ste-
el parts. Use specific products for stainless steel where present. Even if the steel is
of good quality over time and if not treated regularly it could present surface stains
that in no way compromise the safety and functionality of your oven. Oxidation
phenomena can occur in the presence of salt and/or moisture. After cleaning for
better protection apply a light layer of vaseline oil. If not used for a long time, place
the oven in a dry and ventilated environment or protect it with a suitable cover that
guarantees ventilation and prevents condensation phenomena.
Note: if the occasions of use are interspersed with long periods of unuse, try to
clean the oven immediately afterwards and as soon as it has cooled down because
dirt from greasy residues and/or acidic foods could damage and stain the steel
parts making it difficult to clean them after a long time.
Follow the precautions and advice listed in the "installation" paragraph to position
the oven correctly and safely. In models equipped with a trolley after positioning,
ensure the stability of the oven to avoid accidental movement during use, prefer
hard or compact surfaces so as not to alter the oven's structure during use. In the
free standing models (support) make sure that the support surface is fireproof.
If the oven is placed on a piece of furniture, make sure that it is strong enough to
support its weight. Always leave one side open if the cylinder is placed inside the
cabinet or provide adequate air intakes to avoid gas accumulations that could re-
sult in fires or explosions. Adequate ventilation is also used to prevent the cylinder
from overheating.
In the event of malfunction and/or fire, it must be possible to intervene promptly
to close the cylinder valve and secure it. Never store spare (even empty) cylinders
near the oven, they must be stored safely.