Sony XS-163ES Manual De Instrucciones página 4

• Do not continuously use the speake r system
beyond the peak power hand ling ca pac ity.
• Keep recorded tapes, wat ches, and pe rsonal credit
card s using m ag netic cod ing away from t he
speaker system t o protect them fro m damage
caused by the m agnets in the speakers.
• Please note the following w hen installi ng the u nits;
oth erwise malfunction and/or d eterio rati on in
sound quality may result.
- Do not t o uch the diaphrag m s and/or sp eake r
cones by hand or with tools.
- Do not put your fingers th roug h the holes of t he
- Do not drop foreign objects in the units.
• Do not place this product close to m edical devices.
- This product (including accessori es) has
m agnet (s) w hi ch m ay inte rfere with p acemake rs,
programmable shunt va lves f or hy drocephalus
treatment, or other m edical d evice s. Do not
place this pro duct close to persons w ho u se such
m ed ical devices. Consult your doctor before u sing
this p rodu ct if you use any such medical device .
When using th e speakers with an amplifier or power
booster employing t he BTL (balanced transformerl ess)
be sure to connect the speaker system cords
directly to the amplifier speaker cords.
If the connection
is made t hrough already existing speaker cords w hich
have a common
lead f or both t he ri ght and left
channels, it is possible that no sound will be heard, and
that the amplifier w ill be damaged.
If you ca nnot find an appropri ate m o unting
lo cation, consult you r car dealer or y our nearest
Sony dealer before m ounting .
Before mounting
A depth of at least 53.5 m m (2
/ 8
in) is req ui red t o
mount the woofer. Measure t he de pth of the area
w here you are to mo unt t he spea ker, and ensure t h at
t he speaker is not obst ru cting any other components
of the car. Keep the followings in mi nd when
choosing a m ounting location:
• Make su re t hat nothing is obst ruct ing around th e
mounting location of the door (front or rear) w here
you are to mount the spea ker.
• A hole for mount ing may already be cut out of t he
in ner pa nel of t he door (front or rear). In this case,
you need t o mod ify t he board only.
• If you are to mo unt t his spea ker system in th e door
(front or rear), make sure th at t he speaker terminals,
frame or magnet d o not interfere w ith any inner
parts, such as the w indow m echan is m in the d oor
(when you o pen or close t he w indow), etc.
Also make su re t hat t he spea ker grille does not
touch any inner fitti ngs, su ch as the wi ndow cranks,
door handles, arm rests, door pockets, lamps or
seat s etc.
• Th e suita ble m ounting locatio n f or the tweete rs
varies depe nd ing on the type of car. Choose a
location t hat su its your car.
Notice for customers: the following information is only
applicable to equipment sold in countries applying EU
This product has been manufactured by or on behalf of Sony
EU Importer: Sony Europe B.V.
Inquiries to the
Importer or related to product compliance
in Europe should be sent to the manufacturer's aut horized
representative, Sony Belgium, bijka ntoor van Sony Europe B.V.,
Da Vincilaan 7- D1, 1930 Zaventem, Be lgium.
Disposal of old electrical
electronic equ ipment
(applicable in the European Union and other
countries with separate collection systems)
T his symbol on the product or on its packaging indicates
t hat t his product shall not be treated as household waste.
Instead it shall be handed over to the appropriate collection
point for t he recycling of electrical and electronic equipment.
By ensuri ng that this product is disposed of correctly, you
will help to prevent potential negat ive consequences for the
environment and human health, which could be caused by
inappropriate waste handling of t his product. The recycli ng
of mat erials will help to conserve natural resources. For more
detailed information about recycling of this product, please
contact your local Civic Office, your household waste disposal
service or the shop where you purchased the product.
Short -term maximum power*'
Rated power
C TA 2031 RMS Power
Rated impedance
Out put sound pressure level
Effect ive frequency range
Crossover f requency
Supplied accessori es
Separate type, 3 way:
Woofer 16.5 cm
in) cone type
Mid-range B cm (3
1 /
cone type
Tweet er 2.5 cm (1 in) dome
270 W*
60 W*'
89±2 dB (1 W, 1 m)*
40 - 40,000 Hz*'
1,00 0 Hz/7,500 Hz
Approx. 950 g (2 lb 2 oz)
per speaker
App rox. 200 g (7 oz) per
Tweet er:
App rox. 60 g (2 oz) per
Passive crossover network:
App rox. 490 g (1 lb 1 oz) per
Part s fo r installat ion
Design and specificat ions are subject to change without
"Short-term maximum pow er" may also b e ref erred to
as "Peak Power".
*' Testing Condit ion: IEC 60268-5 (2003-05)