Orbegozo PHE 50 Manual De Instrucciones página 13

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PHE 50 PHE 70
Cont rol compart ment , burner and circulat ion air passagew ays of t he heat er must be
kept clean.
Frequent cleaning may be required as necessary.
The LP t ank should be t urned off w hen t he heat er is not in use.
Check t he heat er immediat ely if any of t he follow ing exist s:
The heat er does not reach t emperat ure.
The burner makes popping noise during use (a slight noise is normal w hen t he
burner is ext inguished).
Smell of gas in conjunct ion w it h ext reme yellow t ipping of t he burner flames.
The LP regulat or/ hose assembly must be locat ed out of pat hw ays w here people may
t rip over it or in area w here t he hose w ill not subject t o accident al damage.
Any guard or ot her prot ect ive device removed for servicing t he heat er must be
replaced before operat ing t he heat er.
Change t he gas cylinder in a w ell vent ilat ed area ,aw ay from any inflammat ion source.
Check t hat t he regulat or seal is fit t ed and t hat it is in good condit ion.
Do not obst ruct t he vent ilat ion holes of cylinder housing.
Adult s and children should st ay form high t emperat ure surface t o avoid burns or
clot hing ignit ion.
Children should be carefully supervised w hen t hey are in t he area of t he heat er.
Clot hing or ot her flammable mat erials should not be hung on t he heat er or placed on
or near t he heat er.
LP Charact erist ics - Flammable, explosive, heavier t han air-set t les in low areas.
In it s nat ural st at e, propane has no odor. For your safet y, an odorant is added t hat
smells like rot t en cabbage.
Cont act w it h liquid LP can cause freeze burns t o skin.
This heat er is shipped from t he fact ory for LP gas use only.
Use only EEC approved " 20lb." LP gas cylinders (same as commonly used on gas grills)
w it h safet y valves.
These valves can be quickly ident ified by t heir ext ernal and int ernal t hreads.
Never use a cylinder w it h a damaged body, valve, collar or foot ring.
When heat er is not in use, t urn Cont rol Valve OFF.
Alw ays perform a leak t est on gas conn ect ions w henever a cylinder is connect ed (see
Page 4). Never use a flame t o t est for leaks. Do not smoke w hile performing a leak t est .
Not e: Flame screen is quick-w are part .
WARNING: In order t o avoid overheat ing, do not cover t he heat er.
Caut ion! The surface remains hot during and aft er it s use
The appliance isn't dest ined for t he use of children or person w it h physical or ment al
problems and w it hout experience nor know ledge; unless t hey make it dow n cont rol of
a responsible or professional for t he use of t he appliance.
WARNING: In order t o ensure your children's safet y, please keep all packaging (plast ic
bags, boxes, polyst yrene et c.) out of t heir reach.
It is import ant t he current legal Regulat ions w hich lay dow n t he specificat ions for t he fit t ing
and st art up of t his apparat us, and so w e recommend you consult an aut horised

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