Only a person qualified pursuant to the local ordinances and regulations may install and connect the heater
to the electrical circuit. Install with the voltage off!
Installation, initial start-up and commissioning must be carried out under the supervision of a professionally
qualified person.
The TRG11 series heaters can be supplied with or without wiring. The version with wiring is intended to be
connected to a socket and is equipped with a corresponding terminal or to be connected to a switchboard
with free conductors labelled according to EN 60 446 (33 0165). In the case of TRG11 supplied without the
wiring, only a person qualified according to the local ordinances and regulations is authorized to connect,
install and equip it with the corresponding cable.
The TRG13 and TRG31 series heaters always come with the wiring. The version with wiring is designed either
to be connected to a socket and is equipped with a corresponding terminal, or to be connected to a
switchboard with free conductors labelled according to EN 60 446 (33 0165).
If the heaters come with wiring, the wiring is selected according to the heater's wiring diagram and the
electrical system for which it is intended Wiring types 3x1.5 CYSY or 3x2.5 CYSY for 1x230V connection,
4x1.5CYSY or 4x2.5CYSY for 3x400V connection to a TN-C system and 5x1,5CYSY or 5x2,5CYSY for 3x230V
connection to a TN-S system. The conductors' cross-section is chosen according to the heater's power design
in accordance with ČSN 33 2000-5-52.
If there is any damage to the input wire or any other part of the heater, disconnect the heater from the
electrical supply and have it professionally inspected or repaired by the manufacturer. Never touch damaged
parts when the equipment is energized (it must not be running).
Installation, initial start-up and commissioning must be carried out under the supervision of a professionally
qualified person. Always use the correct tools and accessories for installation. The heaters come with a gasket
designed to seal the seating surface. There is also the option of having it come with a counter-nut, which
allows installation in a D48-50mm hole ( no threaded lug required ).
Install it so that the heater is always fully immersed during operation. For the standard version with a 50 mm
non-heating part the maximum permitted lug length is 55 mm, for the extended 100 mm non-heating part
the maximum permitted lug length is 105 mm.
The maximum allowable pressure load is 600 kPa (6 bar), for higher pressures use a duplicator or a sufficiently
sized transfer sump.
Always try to use the most suitable material for your heater's specific application.
When heating DHW, it is best to ensure the water parameters according to Table 3. If the water is too hard, it is
best to treat the heater's surface at least once a year (for other applications according to specific
requirements) to remove the limescale. Always remove surface deposits when disconnecting the heater
from the power supply and do so carefully so as not to damage the nickel surface layer. Reinstall the heater in
the same way as when initially installing the heater.
The most common cause of heater malfunction is the thermal fuse. The thermal fuse can be reset after the
system has cooled down sufficiently ( see table 1 temperature difference ). Resetting is done according to the
specific steps in the instructions for each TRG heater design. If the thermal fuse trips again, have the heating
system professionally inspected to determine the cause.
If any part of the TRG heater is damaged, including the wiring, first disconnect the power supply and then
have it professionally inspected or sent to the manufacturer for repair. Only a person qualified in accordance
with local ordinances and regulations can assess the damage and make repairs.
• (+420) 545 226 177-184 •
• Thermis, spol. s r.o. • Mateří 14 •
• 614 00 Brno • Czech Republic •