0-10 V Control
This mode is always activated. When the value of the control signal varies, SLA take it this value as new volume
value. The value will be as reference until:
a) If the controller is operating in DMX mode and the DMX channel value changes.
b) If the controller is operating in RS485 mode and it receives a command will affect the volume.
NOTE: Analog control will affect both channels at the same time.
NOTE: Analog control will be disable if the unit receive an ALARM command through RS485 interface.
1. You can make a bridge between GND an V0 terminals. On this condition, the amplifier starts in Stand by state
waiting control signal from RS 485 commands or DMX.
2. You can make a bridge between + an V0 terminals. On this condition, the amplifier starts in full level state
3. You can connect a potentiometer between terminals (see example diagram). On this condition, you can control
the input gain.
BRIDGE MODE ( *SLA 50 only)
Only SLA 50 can operate in BRIDGE mode. On this condition, the amplifier offers 50W@8
SLA Series (SLA 50 - SLA 300)
50W 8Ω
User Manual/Manual de Instrucciones
Pag 3