Karaoke USA GF845 Guía De Usuario página 40

Idiomas disponibles

Idiomas disponibles

Canciones en los Discos
Sing A Long Karaoke Songs
1. Alexander's Ragtime Band
2. All Things Bright And Beautiful
3. All Through The Night
4. Alouette
5. Alphabet Song, The
6. America (My Country Tis Of Thee)
7. Animal Fair
8. Around And Around The Village
9. Aye Aye Aye Aye The Limerick Song
10. B I N G O
11. Baa Baa Black Sheep
12. Barney Buntline
13. Be Kind To Your Web Footed Friends
14. Bear Went Over The Mountain
15. Big Rock Candy Mountain
16. Billy Boy
17. Billy Pringle
18. Bird's Song
19. Blessed Assurance
20. Blow The Man Down
21. Blue Bells Of Scotland
22. Bluebird
23. Bollweevil
24. Bye, Baby Bunting
25. Caissons Go Rolling Along
26. Calendar Song
27. Camptown Races
28. Capital Ship, A
29. Cat Came Back, The
30. Cinderella
31. Clementine
32. Cock A Doodle Doo
33. Cockles And Mussels
34. Cocky Robin
35. Colors
36. Come, O Come, Emanuel
37. Counting Song
38. Crawdad Song
39. Crocodile, The
40. Cuckoo Is A Pretty Bird
41. Day And Night
42. Dixie
43. Do Your Ears Hang Low
44. Dry Bones
45. Elephant And The Flea
46. Father Grumble
47. Fiddle De De
48. Fishes
49. Five Currant Buns
50. For He's A Jolly Good Fellow
51. For Me And My Gal
52. Fox
53. Frere Jacques
54. Froggie Went A Courting
55. Georgie Porgie
56. German Lullaby
57. Girls And Boys Come Out To Play
58. Git Along Little Dogies
59. Golden Slumbers
60. Good Morning Merry Sunshine
61. Goosey Goosey Gander
62. Grasshopper
63. Grasshoppers Three
64. Greensleeves
65. Ground Hog
66. Harrigan
67. Here We Go Around The Mulberry Bush
Los discos demostrados son para propósitos de ilustración solo y pueden no representar la
realidad de los discos incluidos en este paquete.
(200 Traditional Karaoke Songs)
68. Here We Go Looby Loo
69. Hey Diddle Diddle
70. Hickory Dickory Dock
71. Higgledy Piggledy My Black Hen
72. Home On The Range
73. Humpty Dumpty
74. Hunting We Will Go, A
75. Hush Little Baby
76. Hush-a-bye
77. I Am A Young Musician
78. I Gave My Love A Cherry
79. I Had A Little Nut Tree
80. I Love You Truly
81. I Spy
82. If You're Happy And You Know It
83. I'll Take You Home Again, Kathleen
84. I'm A Little Teapot
85. I'm Always Chasing Rainbows
86. I'm Looking Over A Four Leaf Clover
87. In The Good Old Summertime
88. It Ain't Gonna Rain No More
89. It's Raining It's Pouring
90. I've Been Working On The Railroad
91. Jack And Jill
92. Jack Be Nimble
93. Jack Spratt
94. Jenny Jenkins
95. Jimmy Crack Corn
96. Lady Bird Lady Bird
97. Letters Of The Alphabet
98. Little Black Bull
99. Little Boy Blue
100. Little Jack Horner
101. Little Sally Waters
102. Little Things, The
103. Little Tommy Tucker
104. London Bridge Falling Down
105. London Street
106. Ma She's Making Eyes At Me
107. Mademoiselle From Armentieres
108. Marine's Hymn
109. Michael Row The Boat Ashore
110. Midnight Special, The
111. Moonlight Bay
112. My Old Dog Tray
113. My Old Hen
114. Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep
115. Oats Beans And Barley Grow
116. Off To Bed Now
117. Oh Dear What Can The Matter Be
118. Ol Woman Who Lived In A Shoe
119. Old Blue
120. Old John Braddleum
121. Old Mother Hubbard
122. On The Banks Of The Sacramento
123. On Top Of Old Smokey
124. One Meat Ball
125. One Two Buckle My Shoe
126. One Two Three Four Five
127. Oranges And Lemons
128. Over In The Meadow
129. Over The River And Through The Woods
130. Pat A Cake
131. Pease Porridge Hot
132. Peg O' My Heart
133. Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater
134. Polly Put The Kettle On
135. Polly Wolly Doodle
136. Pop Goes The Weasel
137. Ride A Cock Horse To Banbury Cross
138. Right Hand Says Good Morning
139. Ring Around The Rosie
140. Rise And Shine
141. Rock A Bye Baby
142. Rock A Bye Baby Green
143. Rock Island Line
144. Rocking The Cradle
145. Rose Of Tralee
146. Row Row Row Your Boat
147. Russian Cradle Song
148. Sailing Sailing
149. School Days
150. She'll Be Coming Around The Mountain
151. Shoo Fly Don't Bother Me
152. Shortening Bread
153. Simple Simon
154. Sing A Song Of Sixpence
155. Six Little Ducks
156. Skip To My Lou
157. Sleep Baby Sleep
158. Spelling
159. Spider And The Fly, The
160. Star Spangled Banner, The
161. Sur Le Pont D'avignon
162. Swanee River
163. Sweetly Sings The Donkey
164. Swing Low Sweet Chariot
165. Tailor And The Mouse
166. Take Me Out To The Ball Game
167. Ten In A Bed
168. The Ants Go Marching
169. The Eensy Weensy Spider
170. The Farmer In The Dell
171. The Holly And The Ivy
172. The Muffin Man
173. The Old Gray Mare
174. There Was A Little Man
175. There Was A Tree
176. There's A Hole In Middle Of Sea
177. This Little Pig Went To Market
178. This Old Man
179. Three Blind Mice
180. Three Little Kittens
181. Three Little Pigs
182. Tisket A Tasket, A
183. To Market To Market
184. Toot Toot Toosie Goodbye
185. Try Try Again
186. Tura Lura Lura
187. Turkey In The Straw
188. Vive La Compagne
189. Wabash Cannonball, The
190. Waltzing Matilda
191. We Hunted And We Hunted
192. We Three Kings
193. What Child Is This
194. When Johnny Comes Marching Home
195. Where Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone
196. Who Threw The Overalls In Mrs. Murphy's
197. Wish You A Happy Birthday
198. World Turned Upside Down, The
199. Yankee Doodle
200. Yellow Rose Of Texas

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