Optional: use accessories to make your concentrator
To use the Carry Bag (CA-500) if desired:
5.1 Attach a battery.
5.2 Insert the device into the Carry Bag through the
bottom zippered opening with the cannula barb
facing up on the right front side.
5.3 Zip up the bottom flap
IMPORTANT: Make sure both intake vents are visible
through the open mesh panels on the sides of the
bag and that the exhaust vent is visible from the open
mesh panel on the front of the bag.
5.4 Store items such as extra cannulas or ID cards
in the zippered closure under the front flap of the
carry bag.
IMPORTANT: This bag can be attached to a luggage or
cart handle.
You may purchase and use the Backpack (CA-550).
5.5 Insert the device into these bags so that the parti-
cle filters are not obstructed, and the power input
is accessible.
The backpack is not included with the system but may
be purchased separately.
Turn off your concentrator
6.1 Turn the device off by pressing and holding the
power button.
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