3. Technical data
Frequency range:
Distortion factor:
Signal waveform:
Output amplitude:
Output power:
Output current:
General data:
Power supply:
4. Operation
Connect the plug-in power supply to the mains
and plug it into the function generator.
The equipment is then switched on and ready to
Adjust the amplitude with the amplitude knob.
As of an amplitude of 2 V, the two LEDs will indi-
cate the positive or negative half-waves of the out-
put voltage signal.
Adjust the frequency with the frequency knob.
The set frequency will be indicated by the two LEDs
as long as the amplitude exceeds 2 V. The fre-
quency can be adjusted to between 10 mHz to
10 Hz along a linear curve.
The signal can be read using a multimeter with the
zero point in the middle (the ESCOLA 2 multimeter
1006811 is recommended) or with an oscilloscope.
5. Example experiment
Demonstration of rotation reversal for a DC
motors depending on the polarity
The following additional equipment is needed in
order to carry out this experiments:
1 DC motor
1 Stand base
Experiment leads
Set up the motor with the help of the stand base.
(see Fig. 1)
Connect up the motor and function generator
with experiment leads.
3B Scientific GmbH ▪ Rudorffweg 8 ▪ 21031 Hamburg ▪ Germany ▪
0.01 Hz to 10 Hz
1 Vpp to 10 Vpp, con-
tinuously adjustable
1.5 W permanent
300 mA max.
Plug-in power supply,
12 V AC, 0.5 A
100x75x35 mm approx.
400 g approx. (including
power supply)
Subject to technical amendments
© Copyright 2014 3B Scientific GmbH
Set both amplitude and frequency to their mini-
mum levels.
Connect the plug-in power supply to the mains
and plug it into the function generator.
Gently increase the frequency and amplitude
until the metal arm on the motor starts to oscil-
late back and forth.
Fig. 1
Experiment set-up for demonstration of rotation
reversal for a DC motor
6. Storage, cleaning, disposal
Keep the equipment in a clean, dry and dust
free place.
Before cleaning the equipment, disconnect it
from its power supply.
Do not clean the unit with volatile solvents or
abrasive cleaners.
Use a soft, damp cloth to clean it.
The packaging should be disposed of at local
recycling points.
Should you need to dis-
pose of the equipment it-
self, never throw it away
waste. Local regulations
for the disposal of electri-
cal equipment will apply.