• Each press of the (+) or
(-) buttons will increase
or decrease the energy
by one level. When you
reach the maximum
energy level, pressing the
(+) button again won't
change the energy level
any further. Similarly, when
you reach the minimal
energy level, pressing the
(–) button won't decrease
the energy level further.
• The 1-6 energy level
display indicators will
light up green according
to the selected energy
level (e.g. at energy level
1, one green light will be
lit, at energy level 2, two
green lights will be lit).
4. Battery status indicator -
The indicator, marked as
, shows the charge
status of the battery:
• Red – Battery is being
charged. Note: If in
addition to this red light,
energy level "1" is green,
the device is turned on.
• Green - Battery is fully
charged, and the device
is connected to the
external power supply.
• Slow blinking red light–
Low battery level (about
30% of full charge).
• Fast blinking red light–
Very low battery level
(about 10% of full charge).
Note: The green or blinking red
battery status indicators will
appear only while the device is
turned on.
5. Treatment windows – For
the most comfortable
treatment, select the
appropriate treatment
window for the body
area you want to treat
and simply snap on the
treatment window.
• Large treatment window
(the optical filter is fixed
on the device) – Use
the large treatment
window for fast and easy
hair removal on large
body areas, such as
legs, back and arms.
• Precise treatment window
(additional snap-on
window) – Snap on the
precise treatment window
for treatment of small and
delicate areas, such as
the face (area below the
cheek line) and bikini line.