1. Place the lifting tower over a firm and flat
surface on its working place.
2. Remove the outriggers (H) from their trans-
port supports (C) by releasing the plastic knob
(V) and pull the outrigger (H) up. Remove the
front support braces (O) from its transport
support (D).
3. Insert the outriggers (H) into their working
position (G) checking that they are fixed by the
safety pins (K). The longest outriggers must be
placed at the front, under the load.
4. In order to properly fix the front support
braces (O) in their anchoring supports (P), ad-
just the support plate (J) of the front outrigger
by turning the crank (I) of the adjusting rod.
Insert safety pins (M & N).
5. Adjust the lifting tower using the support
plates (J) by turning the crank (I) of the regula-
ting rod until it is level, checking the stabilizing
bubble level (Y) located at the base.
6. Place the forklifts (E) in horizontal position
and secure them with the safety pins.
7. Put the load as close to the lifting tower as
possible. Do not unnecessarily separate the
sound system from the lifting tower body to
avoid overloading. See fig. 2 (page 17). Follow
loading instructions. See fig. 3 (page 117).
8. Place on the forklifts (E) the accessories
AC-584 y AC-585 in case of flying a line array
system with central anchoring by either one or
14 14
two hanging points. See fig. 4 (page 17). If the
line array's bumper has four hanging points, it
is recommended to use the accessories AC-582
and AC-583 which enable to fly the line array
system from four hanging points. See fig. 5
(page 17).
9. Elevation: To lift the profiles, a specific order
must be followed. The first profile to be raised
will always be the one located furthest from the
winch. Release the safety pin (A) in open posi-
tion (T) and turn the winch handle (B) cloc-
kwise, lifting the load until the desired height.
Immediately afterwards, close the safety pin
(A) in position (S), until the end of the section
has been reached. Go on successively to the
different positions of each of the profiles, until
the desired height is reached. In case the pin is
hard to pull out, a small number of movements
should be made with the winch until founding
the right position where the pin is released and
can be pulled out comfortably. Under no cir-
cumstances any of the pins should be pulled
with force. In case of the lifting tower does not
need to be raised to its maximum height, it is
recommended to raise all the profiles propor-
tionally according to the height, and not only
one of them.
10. When using the lifting tower outdoors, the
risk of wind is prevalent, for which there are
two fixing side rings (M) in the upper part of
the second profile, where safety cables must be
attached and fixed on a secure and firm surface
(never on a vehicle or anything that can move).
When wind speed exceeds 30km/h, it is man-
datory to bring down the lifting tower.