The operator must ensure that all members of staff who work with the system have read and understood
these instructions. The operator must also ensure that these members of staff are trained at regular inter-
vals and are aware of the risks.
The operator must provide the staff with the requisite protective equipment and bindingly obligate the
staff to wear the necessary protective equipment.
In addition, the operator is responsible for ensuring full technical reliability of the system at all times.
The operator must ensure compliance with the maintenance intervals specifi ed in these instructions.
The operator must ensure that all safety equipment is regularly inspected for functional reliability and
The various tasks described in these instructions constitute diff ering requirements in respect of the qualifi ca-
tions of the staff charged with performing these tasks.
Danger if sta is insu ciently qualifi ed!
Insuffi ciently qualifi ed staff is not able to assess the risks associated with the system and expose both
themselves and others to the risk of severe or fatal injury.
Ensure that all works are only performed by staff qualifi ed for the specifi c task.
Keep insuffi ciently qualifi ed people out of the work area.
The works must always be assigned only to individuals who can be trusted to perform the works reliably.
People with impaired reactions, e.g. as a result of drugs, alcohol or medication, must not be allowed to per-
form works.
These instructions defi ne the qualifi cations below that are necessary for the respective tasks:
Have a professional training, skills and experience and the knowledge of the pertinent standards and regula-
tions to perform works on gas systems and to identify potential hazards. Gas engineers are trained specifi -
cally for the site where they work and are familiar with all relevant standards and regulations.
Have the professional training, skills and experience and the knowledge of the pertinent standards and
regulations to perform the assigned works and to identify and avoid potential hazards.
Risks associated with unauthorized personnel in the hazard and work areas can be life threatening!
Unauthorized individuals without the qualifi cations described in this section are not familiar with the risks
in the work area. As such, they are in danger of severe or even fatal injury.
Keep unauthorized personnel away from the hazard and work area.
If in doubt, approach individuals and instruct them to leave the hazard and work area.
Stop any work while unauthorized individuals are in the hazard and work area.
The owner must train the staff at regular intervals. A training log must be maintained for purposes of better
tracking and must contain the following information, at least:
Date of training
Names of trained staff
Contents of the training session
Name of trainer
Signatures of the staff members in training and of the trainer