DMX Channel Assignments and Values
2-Ch 9-Ch Function
Automatic program
(overrides Ch. 3-9)
Program speed
Kinta effect color
Kinta effect strobe
Kinta effect motor
SMD strobes program
Page 13 of 117
000 009 No function
010 044 Kinta, laser, and strobes
045 079 Kinta and strobes
080 114 Kinta and laser
115 149 Laser and strobes
150 184 Kinta only
185 219 Strobes only
220 255 Laser only
000 250 Automatic program speed, slow to fast
251 255 Sound-active program
000 005 No function
006 020 Red
021 035 Green
036 050 Blue
051 065 White
066 080 Red and green
081 095 Red and blue
096 110 Red and white
111 125 Green and blue
126 140 Green and white
141 155 Blue and white
156 170 Red, green, and blue
171 185 Red. green, and white
186 200 Green, blue, and white
201 215 Red, green, blue, and white
216 230 Automatic 4-color chase
231 255 Automatic 7-color chase
000 005 No function
006 255 Kinta effect strobe, slow to fast
No function
001 127 Kinta effect motor indexing
128 255 Kinta effect motor speed, slow to fast
000 009 No function
010 019 SMD strobes program 1, slow to fast
020 029 SMD strobes program 2, slow to fast
030 039 SMD strobes program 3, slow to fast
040 049 SMD strobes program 4, slow to fast
050 059 SMD strobes program 5, slow to fast
060 069 SMD strobes program 6, slow to fast
070 079 SMD strobes program 7, slow to fast
080 089 SMD strobes program 8, slow to fast
090 099 SMD strobes program 9, slow to fast
100 109 SMD strobes program 10, slow to fast
110 119 SMD strobes program 11, slow to fast
120 129 SMD strobes program 12, slow to fast
130 139 SMD strobes program 13, slow to fast
140 149 SMD strobes program 14, slow to fast
150 159 SMD strobes program 15, slow to fast
160 169 SMD strobes program 16, slow to fast
170 179 SMD strobes program 17, slow to fast
180 255 SMD strobes program 18, slow to fast
Kinta FX ILS User Manual Rev. 5