VII. Milk powder dilution
In an appropriate bottle, mix 10 g of milk powder with 90 ml of warm (40°C) and distilled water. For an optimal
dilution, shake vigorously.
VIII. Directions for use
This procedure is described to easily run one single sample or a set of many samples. In that case, try to perform
the test in cascade and avoid any delays when mixing reagent and milk but also when adding and removing dips-
ticks. Make sure you have the same incubation time and temperature for each sample. You shouldn't test more
than 8 samples at one time and, if there are more than 3 samples, you should use a multipipette. With more than
8 samples we recommend to share series of maximum 8 samples.
Choose a clean and dry place to perform the test and wash and dry your hands before starting;
Connect the Heatsensor (refer to the used Heatsensor manual) and wait until the temperature has
stabilised at 40°C.
- It takes about 10 minutes for the temperature to stabilize at 40°C;
Before opening the reagents, take the kit out of the fridge and wait until the temperature of the
reagents reaches the ambient temperature. Meanwhile, read the directions for use attentively;
- There are two main components used for the test which are: dipsticks and the freeze-dried
reagents in microwells. Both are stored in the white plastic pots.
Determine how many samples are to be tested and write on each tube an identification number;
- The milk sample must be liquid and homogeneous. There can be neither clots nor sedimentation
phases. The ideal temperature of the milk sample is between 4 and 20°C.
Open one plastic pot and take out as many microwells as there are milk sample to be tested (the
standard positive and negative milk included if necessary);
- To open a pot of dipsticks, take off the safety ring by pressing it down the pot, take off the ring
and get the stopper off the pot with your thumb;
- The pot with dipsticks should always be well closed after reagents have been taken out;
- A pot with dipsticks should be emptied before another is opened;
- Be careful, if you do not intend to use all the 8 microwells, leave the set of 8 caps on the unused
ones and do not tear off the strip of the eight caps but leave it on the microwells that will not be
used. Do not try to separate individual caps and put them immediately back into the white pot
without damaging the dipsticks, close and make sure it is tightly sealed.
Place the microwell(s) in the heating block which shows 40°C;
Place a new tip on the micropipette and transfer 200 µl of milk into each of the microwells;
Warning: when reagents and milk are in contact, the reaction begins. Mix quickly AND
IMMEDIATELY push the START(RUN) button. The 3-minutes countdown starts;
- During that first incubation, both receptors and monoclonal antibodies detects whether or not
there are antibiotics in the milk sample. It takes 3 minutes for the reaction to be completed.
During that time, open the same pot as before, take out as many dipsticks as there are analyses in
progress and close the pot. Lay the dipsticks on a clean sheet and write down the number that
matches the one of the milk sample;
When the 3 minutes are over, i.e. after the sound-signal, press START (STOP)* again to stop the
ringing tone and dip the corresponding dipstick into each of the microwells laid in the incubator;
- Make sure you put into the corresponding microwell the dipstick with the same identification
number as the one of the concerned milk sample;
Start the timer for the second incubation by pressing the START (RUN)* button. The 3-minutes
countdown starts;
When the 3 minutes are over, i.e. after the sound-signal, press START (STOP)* again to stop the
ringing tone and take the dipsticks out of the microwells to lay them down on a sheet of paper;
If you are not planning to perform any other test within the day with Trisensor, put everything back
into the box and store it in a fridge at a temperature ranging from 2 to 8°C.
*(Refer to the used Heatsensor manual – For DUO Heatsensor users, steps 9 to 12 are simplified)
IX. Visual interpretation of results (see Figure A)
Make visual readings as follows:
First check whether the top control line is present. If it is not, regard the analysis as invalid and do
not start (or continue) any interpretation.
When the top control line can be seen, interpret the three test lines as follows:
Examine one test line at a time and compare the intensity of the line colour of the test line with
the intensity of the line colour of the control line. (Start with the bottom line of ß-lactams for
example) ;
If the test line is darker in colour than the control line, the result is NEGATIVE, which means
that, given the sensitivity of our test, the milk sample contains no antibiotics or antibiotics at
alower level than the value stated in the enclosed table A;
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