Features and Functions
Measurement mode
In the measurement mode, frequency, period and pulse width are measured. The
measurement is gated by either an internal or external gate source.
The gate source is set using the command below:
Since all three measurements are derived from the same basic measurement, the
measured frequency, period and pulse width can be easily retrieved from
commands below:
The return value for frequency, period and pulse width measurements is a floating
– The input frequency measurable range is from 0.1 Hz to 6 MHz.
– The pulse width measurement is in the range of 0.167 s to 178.956 s.
MEASure:COUNter:FREQuency? (@<ch_list>)
MEASure:COUNter:PERiod? (@<ch_list>)
MEASure:COUNter:PWIDth? (@<ch_list>)
Keysight U2300A Series User's Guide