3. Select your connector
IMPORTANT: This replacement package includes
multiple connector types. It is critical that the correct
connector be used.
1. Look at your old cuff and connector. Identify
the shape and color of the cuff connector
positioned at the end of the cuff (used for
plugging the cuff into your monitor).
2. Select a new connector by matching the
color and shape to your old one.
3. Attach the matching cuff connector to the
end of the cuff hose.
4. Connect the new cuff assembly (cuff, hose &
connector) to your Microlife automatic blood
pressure monitor, and ensure the connection
fits snugly. It should not be loose.
5. Once the cuff is properly connected to the
monitor, prepare the cuff for your measure-
Questions? Please contact customer
service: 1-800-568-4147.
Advanced connector
Standard connector