Is it dangerous to use c-JAYS while in traffic?
What is the EML speaker that c-JAYS use?
The volume level in left and right speaker is
uneven. What is the problem?
c-JAYS headphones affects your hearing abilities.
Wearing them in trafficated areas might be a
potential risk. We recommend that you use them
with precaution and that you never wear them
when driving a vehicle.
The EML (Elastic Multi Layer) speaker is a rede-
signed and improved dynamic speaker by JAYS. The
multi-layered diaphragm has been put through a
special process to obtain its unique characteristics.
The elasticity in the diaphragm allows it to follow
the movement of the improved, easily driven, light-
weight voice coil. The core is a powerful Neodymium
magnet and along with this, a customized airflow
system has been created.
Check that the plug is correctly connected to your
listening device. Check for a loose connection
by connecting to a different sound source. If the
problem still persists, please contact your retailer
or JAYS Customer Service.