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Installazione, uso e manutenzione
Installation, use and maintenance handbook
Installation, Gebrauch und Wartung
Installation, usage et entretien
Instalación, uso y mantenimiento
All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com
COD: 5561399
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Resumen de contenidos para Cosmetal H2OMY Serie

  • Página 1 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com Installazione, uso e manutenzione Installation, use and maintenance handbook Installation, Gebrauch und Wartung Installation, usage et entretien Instalación, uso y mantenimiento OMY F OMY WG COD: 5561399 REV:0:0210...
  • Página 2 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com GERÄTEKENNZEICHNUNG Modell Speisespannung Kühlgasmenge MARCATURA Klasse DELL’APPARECCHIO Gesamtaufnahme Modello Frequenz Tensione di alimentazione Matrikelnummer MANUFACTURER Quantità di gas refrigerante Konstruktionsjahr- Monat Classe WATER COOLERS PLAQUETTE SIGNALETIQUE Assorbimento totale Frequenza Modèle Mod....Numero di matricola Tension d’alimentation Anno-mese di costruzione Quantité...
  • Página 3 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com BEFORE USING THE APPLIANCE WARNINGS GENERAL PRECAUTIONS AND SUGGESTIONS Before carrying out any maintenance or cleaning operation, In order to use your appliance to its best, we advise reading these remove the plug from the mains socket. instructions carefully as they contain useful information.
  • Página 4: Prima Di Usare L'apparecchio

    All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com PRIMA DI USARE L’APPARECCHIO • Non utilizzare la macchina se il cavo di alimentazione è legato o presenta dei l’inosservanza di una qualsiasi norma di sicurezza potrebbe nodi. causare incendi, scosse elettriche o danneggiare la macchina •...
  • Página 5: Antes De Usar El Aparato

    All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com AVANT D’UTILISER L’APPAREIL Le non respect de toute norme de sécurité pourrait provoquer • Ne pas utiliser la machine si le câble d’alimentation est lié ou présente des incendies, secousses électriques ou endommager la machine nœuds.
  • Página 6: Consigli Per La Salvaguardia Dell'ambiente

    All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com JE1610-010 DISIMBALLO • Ponete l’apparecchio nel punto d’installazione (cap. 5- INSTALLAZIONE). • Tagliare le reggette R e sfilate il cartone C, il polistirolo F e il sacco in plastica esterno S. • Eliminate subito i sacchi in plastica S e i polistiroli F i quali possono rappresentare pericolo per i bambini. •...
  • Página 7: Removal Of Packaging

    All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com REMOVAL OF PACKAGING • Place the appliance in its installation site (chap. 5 - INSTALLATION). • Cut straps R and remove carton C, polystyrene F and external plastic bag S. • Do away with plastic bags S and polystyrene F immediately as they are a danger for children. •...
  • Página 8: Descrizione Dell'apparecchio

    All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com LATO OPERATORE OPERATOR SIDE SEITE BEDIENER CÔTé OPéRATEUR OPERADOR SIDE DESCRIZIONE DELL’APPARECCHIO Questi refrigeratori sono stati studiati per servire grandi quantità di acqua fredda, Utilizzano un sistema di raffreddamento diretto (banco di ghiaccio) liscia, gassata.
  • Página 9: Description Of The Appliance

    All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com DESCRIPTION OF THE APPLIANCE These water coolers were designed to provide large quantities of still and They use a direct cooling system (Ice bank) carbonated cold water. The water coolers is available on undercounter models only (fig.2) They are easy to use and manufactured using top quality materials, offering the utmost hygiene and ease of maintenance.
  • Página 10 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com VISTA GENERALE / GENERAL VIEW / GERÄTEANSICHT / VUE GENERALE / VISTA GENERAL Modello WG (GB) WG model Modell WG Modéle WG Modelo WG Modello F (GB) F model Modell F Modéle F Modelo F Lato operatore Lato posteriore...
  • Página 11: Main Switch

    All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com Operator side Rear side Electrical power supply socket Main switch Cold water thermostat Mains water inlet ø 8mm inlet ø 6mm (WG model) Cold water outlet Carbonated water outlet (WG model) 10 Water entrance for basin loading 11 Level and basin unloading tube 12 Basin water level indicator 13 Label bearing the technical data and serial number...
  • Página 12 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com Dimensioni Dimensions Abmessungen Dimensions Dimensiones (mm) Modello WG (GB) WG model Modell WG Modéle WG Modelo WG Modello F (GB) F model Modell F Modéle F Modelo F CARATTERISTICHE TECNICHE TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS TECHNISCHE EIGENSCHAFTEN CARACTERISTIQUES TECHNIQUES CARACTERÍSTICAS TéCNICAS...
  • Página 13: Conditions Ambiantes Condiciones Ambientales

    All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com OMY F OMY WG Produzione acqua Lt/h Water production Trinkwasserproduktion Production d’eau Producción de agua usg/h 3,96 3,96 Temp.uscita acqua °C 3 ÷ 10 3 ÷ 10 Water outlet temperature Temperatur des gespendetenWassers Temperature sortie de l’eau Temp.de salida del agua °F...
  • Página 14 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com INSTALLAZIONE POSA DELL’APPARECCHIO • Se la pressione di rete é inferiore a 2 bar o il flusso é inferiore a 2 l/min, occorre predisporre un dispositivo in grado di aumentare la pressione di rete (es: pompa Ponete l’apparecchio nel punto di installazione, lontano da fonti di calore e protetto di rilancio o sistema equivalente).
  • Página 15: Instalación

    All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com INSTALLATION POSITIONING THE APPLIANCE device capable of increasing the mains pressure (ex: booster pump or equivalent system). Position the appliance in the point of installation, away from sources of heat and direct sunlight. We also advise against installing the appliance outdoors and in very damp rooms.
  • Página 16: Collegamento Idraulico

    All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com JE1610-0021 Il collegamento alla rete idrica viene effettuato con l’ausilio del tubo T in 5.3.1 COLLEGAMENTO IDRAULICO dotazione (diametro 8 mm) servendosi del raccordo A in dotazione. Spingete il tubo T nell’attacco 11 esercitando la dovuta pressione. In fase di collegamento della macchina alla rete idrica, tutti i tubi, guarnizioni e giunzioni preesistenti, posti fra la macchina e la presa dell’acqua di rete, devono essere sostituiti da nuovo materiale per...
  • Página 17: Rellenamiento Del Banco De Hielo

    All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com 5.3.1 WATER CONNECTION Connection to the water mains is done using the T tube provided (8 mm diameter) and the A fitting provided. Push pipe onto coupling 11 exerting the correct amount of pressure. During connection of the appliance to the mains water supply, all pre-existing tubes, gaskets and joints placed between the appliance and the water mains connection must be replaced with new material to avoid contamination.
  • Página 18: Collegamento Elettrico

    All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IN CO AVVIAMENTO • Regolate il termostato acqua fredda 5 in relazione all’utilizzo e alla stagione Attenzione! Se l’apparecchio é stato coricato o capovolto, (posizioni consigliate da 4 a 7) attendete almeno 8 ore prima di avviarlo. COLLEGAMENTO BOMBOLA GAS CO2 (Mod.WG) COLLEGAMENTO ELETTRICO In questo modello di refrigeratore, la bombola CO 2 può...
  • Página 19: Mise En Service

    All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com STARTING • Adjust cold water thermostat 5 depending on use and season (positions recom- Warning! If the appliance has been laid down or turned upside mended from 4 to 7). down, you should wait at least 8 hours before starting it. GAS CYLINDER CONNECTION (WG model) ELECTRICITY CONNECTION In this water cooler model, the CO 2 can be connected only outside the machine (fig.18)
  • Página 20 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com NI1604-170 NI1604-160 IN CO WATER AVVIAMENTO ACQUA GASSATA (modelli WG) INSTALLAZIONE BOMBOLE DI TIPO RICARICABILE ( B-RIC) Per avviare il dispositivo di gasatura: • E’ possibile anche installare bombole ricaricabili (B-RIC) • Agite sul rubinetto in posizione SODA •...
  • Página 21: Puesta En Marcha Agua En Forma Gaseosa (Modelos Wg)

    All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com SETTING UP THE SPARKLING WATER (WG models) INSTALLATION OF RECHARGEABLE CYLINDERS ( B-RIC) To start the carbonation device: • It is also possible to install refillable cylinders (B-RIC) • Press the pushbutton for carbonated water •...
  • Página 22: Spurgo Del Gasatore

    All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com Le operazioni di manutenzione devono essere compiute da personale qualificato. Maintenance operations should be carried out by a qualified professional. Die Wartungsarbeiten dürfen nur durch Fachpersonal durchgeführt werden. Les opérations d’entretien doivent être effectuées par du personnel qualifié.
  • Página 23: Purga Del Gasificador

    All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com CARBONATION DEVICE DRAINAGE The quality of the carbonation process also depends on the temperature of the water, which means you should wait for the water cooler to have cooled the water down When installing the appliance, or if the water cooler has no water left inside sufficiently upon installation and the ice bank has been formed.
  • Página 24: Manutenzione Ordinaria

    All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com Le operazioni di manutenzione devono essere compiute da personale qualificato. Maintenance operations should be carried out by a qualified professional. Die Wartungsarbeiten dürfen nur durch Fachpersonal durchgeführt werden. Les opérations d’entretien doivent être effectuées par du personnel qualifié. Las operaciones de mantenimiento deben ser ejecutadas por personal calificado.
  • Página 25: Entretien Ordinaire

    All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com WARTUNG Geräteteil Vorgehensweise Häufigkeit Reinigung der Außenteile des • Reinigen Sie die äußeren Geräteteile mit einem feuchten Tuch; verwenden Sie monatlich Geräts dazu keine Lösungs- oder Scheuermittel. Austausch der CO -Flaschen • Folgen Sie der in Abschnitt 6.2 aufgeführten Vorgehensweise. wenn der Druckmesser un- ter 1 bar sinkt.
  • Página 26 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com Le operazioni di manutenzione devono essere compiute da personale qualificato. Maintenance operations should be carried out by a qualified professional. Die Wartungsarbeiten dürfen nur durch Fachpersonal durchgeführt werden. Les opérations d’entretien doivent être effectuées par du personnel qualifié.
  • Página 27: Limpieza Interna/ Higienización

    All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com INTERNAL CLEANING/ HYGIENIC CLEANING WARNING! Considering that the products used for the hygienic cleaning are acid and alkali corrosive substances, disposable gloves must be used as well as glasses to protect your eyes. When this hygienic cleaning is carried out, you must keep to the product reaction times, percentages of hygienic detergent and quantity of water necessary for rinsing. HYGIENIC CLEANING •...
  • Página 28 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com...

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H2omy fH2omy wg

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