bindaboo B1103 Instrucciones

Compuerta de seguridad para pasillo/vestíbulo

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INSTRUCTIONS: Hallway Security Gate
Important: Keep instructions for future reference.
Read INSTRUCTIONS thoroughly before assembling and installing gate.
Complies with Standards: ASTM F1004-07, BS EN1930:2000.
INSTRUCCIONES: Compuerta de Seguridad
Importante: Conserve estas instrucciones para futura referencia.
Lea las INSTRUCCIONES totalmente antes de ensamblar e instalar la compuerta.
Cumple con las Normas: ASTM F1004-04, BS EN1930:2000.
CONSIGNES: Barrière de sécurité pour couloir
Important: Conserver les consignes pour future référence
Lire soigneusement LES CONSIGNES avant d'assembler et d'installer la barrière.
Conforme aux normes: ASTM F1004-04, BS EN1930:2000.
INSTRUÇÕES: Portão de Segurança para Hall de Entrada
Importante: Guarde as instruções para futura referência.
Leia bem as INSTRUÇÕES antes de montar e instalar o portão.
De acordo com os Standards: ASTM F1004-04, BS EN1930:2000.
For customers in US only:
Do Not Return to Store, if you have any questions, please call us on
Tel: (336) 454-5716, (888) 271-6959 Tolls free or email us at [email protected]
para pasillo/vestíbulo

Resumen de contenidos para bindaboo B1103

  • Página 1 De acordo com os Standards: ASTM F1004-04, BS EN1930:2000. For customers in US only: Do Not Return to Store, if you have any questions, please call us on Tel: (336) 454-5716, (888) 271-6959 Tolls free or email us at [email protected]...
  • Página 2 WARNING ADVERTENCIA • To prevent serious injury or death, securely install gate • Para prevenir lesiones graves o muerte, instale la and use according to manufacturer’s instructions. compuerta bien segura y úsela de acuerdo a las instrucciones del fabricante. • This product is intended for use with children 6 - 24 months. •...
  • Página 3 MISE EN GARDE ADVERTÊNCIA • Afin d’éviter tout accident grave ou mortel, installer • Para evitar ferimentos graves ou morte, instale o solidement la barrière et l’utiliser suivant les consignes portão com segurança e use-o de acordo com as du fabricant. instruções do fabricante.
  • Página 4 PARTS LIST • LISTA DE PARTES • LISTE DE PIÈCES • LISTA DAS PEÇAS 1 Gate Panel 6 Bolts with Rubber Pads Panel de la compuerta Pernos y almohadillas de goma Panneau de barrière Boulons à coussin en caoutchouc Painel do Portão Parafusos com Capas de Borracha 2 Upper Locking Set 7 Mounting Cups...
  • Página 5 Para aberturas com mais de 42.5" (108cm) selecione a sélectionnez la ou les rallonges pour barrière apropriada Extensão ou Extensões para Portão. appropriées. Mostram-se abaixo alguns exemplos. Quelques exemples sont présentés ci-dessous. B1103/B1104, B1123/B1124 +B1105/B1106, B1125/B1126 38.2 - 42.5" 41.7 - 46" (97 - 108cm) (106 - 117cm) Adding Extension Frame Cómo agregar Marco de Extensión...
  • Página 6 2. To use with Gate Extension Frames: Gate frame First insert the Extension Pins into the holes on the outside of the Gate Frame. Marco de la compuerta Note: The long end of the pins fit into the Gate Frame Cadre de barrière and the short ends fit into the longer protrusion of Armação do Portão...
  • Página 7 3. Place the gate in the opening so that the bottom of the 3. Placez la barrière dans l’ouverture de manière à ce que le bas de la barrière repose bien à plat sur le sol gate frame is completely flat on the floor (3A), and it is (3A), perpendiculairement à...
  • Página 8 If the gate is used at the bottom of the stairs Si la barrière est utilisée au bas de escalier Floor pour empêcher l’enfant d’y monter, elle doit to prevent the child from climbing up the Piso être installée sur la marche la plus basse. stairs, it must be placed on the lowest stair.
  • Página 9 5. Tighten both of the Tension 5. Serrez les deux boutons de Knobs by turning them réglage de tension en les clockwise at the same time (5A tournant simultanément dans and 5B). le sens des aiguilles d’une montre (5A et 5B). Note: make sure that the bottom of the Gate Frame Note: Veillez à...
  • Página 10 OPERATION • OPERACIÓN • FONCTIONNEMENT • OPERAÇÃO 7. To open the gate: 7. Pour ouvrir la barrière: Slide the Gate Release Switch (7A). Faites glisser le système d’ouverture (7A). Lift the Gate Panel upward (7B). Soulevez le panneau de barrière (7B). Gate swings open in both directions (7C).
  • Página 11 OPERATION • OPERACIÓN • FONCTIONNEMENT • OPERAÇÃO 8. To close the gate: Release the Gate and it will swing closed 8. Pour fermer la barrière: Dégagez la barrière et elle se automatically. fermera automatiquement. Try this action several times and make sure: Répétez l’opération à...
  • Página 12 VALIDADE DO PRODUTO: INDETERMINADA Bindaboo ® products by Tee-Zed Products, LLC Tee-Zed Products Pty Ltd, Les produits Bindaboo ® PO Box 1662 Jamestown NC 27282 P.O. Box 2022, Bondi Junction NSW 1355 Los productos Bindaboo ® Australia Tel: (02) 9386 4000...

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