Premošćeni priključci zvučnika
Pojačalo GTA može se premostiti za mono konfi guraciju.
Time se pojačalo može koristitis jednim ili dvama subwoo-
ferima ili uređajima u srednjem rasponu frekvencija. U toj
konfi guraciji pojačalo spaja desni i lijevi kanal u jednokanalni
izlaz (mono izlaz).
Pojačalo može dodati informacije signala iz desnog i lijevog
kanala samo ako su obavljeni desni i lijevi RCA spojevi.
U premošćenom krugu opterećenje pojačala mora izno-
siti najmanje 4 Ω. Niže opterećenje uzrokovat će pre-
grijavanje i isključivanje pojačala te može uzrokovati
trajna oštećenja.
Podešavanje vrste i raspona frekvencijskih
Kod zvučnika GTA 250 BP11 mogu se podesiti vrsta frekven-
cijskih prolaza (tj. »Low Pass« ili »Hi-Pass«) te željena ulazna
frekvencija. Na primjer, ako je potrebno priključiti dva sub-
woofera, potrebne su postavke niskoprolaznog fi ltra (sl. 3).
Ulazna frekvencija ovisi o frekvencijskom rasponu zvučnika
(vidi preporučeni frekvencijski raspon zvučnika).
Visokoprolazna frekvencija
Na postavci od 80 Hz pojačalo ima frekvencijski raspon od
80 Hz do 30.000 Hz.
Regulacija niskoprolazne frekvencije
Regulacija je aktivna ako je prekidač u položaju »Low-Pass«
i omogućava namještanje željene ulazne frekvencije.
Na postavci od 150 Hz pojačalo ima frekvencijski raspon od
10 Hz do 150 Hz.
Pojačanje niskih tonova
Regulacija pojačanja niskih tonova služi za podešavanje
reakcije niskih tonova pojačala.
Područje podešavanja je od 0 dB / +6 dB / +12 dB.
Pokazivač uključivanja
Zeleno svjetlo:
Uključen izlazni stupanj, redovni radni status.
Crveno svjetlo:
Izlazni stupanj se elektronički isključuje zbog pogreške.
Recikliranje i zbrinjavanje u otpad
Koristite postojeće sustave povrata i prikupljanja
otpada za ovaj proizvod.
Zadržavamo pravo na promjene
Автотовары «130»
Please read these operating instructions before using
the equipment for the fi rst time.
The performance of an amplifi er can only be as good as its
installation. A correct installation increases the overall perfor-
mance of your car sound system. The GTA amplifi er should be
installed by a trained person. If you would to install it yourself,
please read these installation instructions very carefully and
allow yourself suffi cient time for the installation.
In conclusion, allow us a few words about the topic of health
During the playback of music in your vehicle, please consider
that continuous sound-pressure levels above 100 dB can
lead to permanent damages to the human ear and even to
loss of hearing. Using today's high-performance systems
and loudspeaker confi gurations allows for reaching sound-
pressure levels above 130 dB.
Safety notes
Please observe the following safety notes during
the installation and connection.
Disconnect the negative terminal of the battery before
carrying out installation and connection work.
Observe the vehicle manufacturer's safety instructions
(regarding airbags, alarm systems, trip computers,
vehicle immobilisers).
When you drill holes, ensure that you do not damage any
vehicle components.
The cross section of the plus and minus cable may not
be less than 6 mm
Use cable glands for holes with sharp edges.
An incorrect installation can result in malfunctions of the
electronic vehicle systems or your car sound system.
Installation and connection instructions
With respect to accident safety, the GTA 250 BP11 must be
secured in a professional way.
When selecting the installation location, select a dry loca-
tion that offers sufficient air circulation for cooling the
amplifi er.
The GTA 250 BP11 must not be installed on rear shelves, rear
seats or other locations that are open to the front.
The installation location must be suitable to accept the ac-
companying screws and provide a fi rm support.
The amplifi er power cable must be fi tted with a fuse no more
than 30 cm from the battery to protect the vehicle battery in
case of a short circuit between power amplifi er and battery.
The fuse of the amplifi er protects only the amplifi er, not the
vehicle battery.
Use loudspeakers with 2 - 4 Ω impedance (see table or in-
stallation drawing). Observe the maximum power handling
capacity (music output). Do not connect loudspeakers to
earth, use only the referenced terminals.
GTA 250 BP11