In quiet, 100% of subjects' AutoSense OS scores were
within 10% of their AutoSense OS Off scores and in noise
90% of subjects' AutoSense OS scores were better than
their AutoSense OS Off scores by 10% or more. These
observed trends further demonstrate that automatic
activation of the AutoSense OS features does not negatively
impact sentence recognition in quiet or noise conditions.
Additionally, the improvement in sentence recognition
in multi-talker babble noise with AutoSense OS is evident.
Follow-Up Self-Assessment Questionnaire Results
Results were similar across sound quality and listening
comfort ratings. All 10 subjects (100.0%) reported
acceptable sound quality in quiet, with 9 subjects (90.0%)
reporting strong agreement and 1 subject (10.0%)
reporting slight agreement. Nine subjects (90.0%)
reported acceptable sound quality in noise (5 subjects
reported "Strongly Agree," 4 subjects reported "Slightly
Agree"), with 1 subject reporting slight disagreement.
All 10 subjects (100.0%) strongly agreed that listening in
quiet was comfortable. Nine subjects (90.0%) agreed that
listening in noise was comfortable (7 subjects reported
"Strongly Agree," 2 subjects reported "Slightly Agree"),
with 1 subject reporting slight disagreement.
All 10 subjects (100.0%) reported that AutoSense OS on
the sound processor was acceptable for use and daily
wear, with 8 subjects (80.0%) reporting strong agreement
and 2 subjects (20.0%) reporting slight agreement with
the statements "The sound processor is acceptable for
use" and "The sound processor is acceptable for daily
wear". The majority of subjects (80.0%) also agreed that