Checking your machine for Squareness
For your machine to produce accurate square cuts the Main Body needs to be set
so that it is 90° to the Squaring Arm, for the following procedure you will need a
piece of card or matboard at least 60cm x 100cm (2' x 3') the larger the board the
more accurate you can set the machine.
Place the board on the machine vertically
as shown and apply the clamp ensuring
the bottom edge is in firm contact with
the Squaring Arm.
Unclamp and turn the board around
(like the page in a book) and place it back
in the machine so the same edge is still
on the squaring arm but do not clamp it.
Align and engage the blade so it enters
the previous made cut at the bottom
edge of the board. Now apply the clamp.
Select the cutting blade on the lower
cutting head (see section 6). Cut into the
top of the board to produce a cut
approximately 3cm (1") long. Disengage
the cutter using the cutter release lever.
Lower the cutter and make a similar cut
at the bottom of the board.
Raise the cutter to the top of the board, if
the machine is square the blade should
enter the same cut as made previously.
If not refer to the following page to make
the necessary adjustment.