8. Software update
1) Following the update you will made, AXXAIR will inform you if you can keep your programs and
configurationIn all cases, the first operation to do is to save data of your power source into USB
key (see §4.6).
2) Plug USB key on your computer. You can do a backup of your USB key in order to prevent any
wrong operation.
3) Erase folder « prj001 » and « WR » and the files : « boot.cfg », « MEM4X0XC.CML » and
Never erase file folder « Recipe » and files « 00011_Inverter calibration », « 00012_Gaz
calibration » and « 00013_Counters »
4) Unzip file send by AXXAIR and copy new folders and files on the USB key
5) Remove USB key from computer using the remove hardware icon.
ALARM : contain alarms history file.
Recipe : this folder contains configuration, programs and current source
SAMP01 : Contain data acquisition files.
These folders and files contain power source software: « prj001 », « WR »,
« boot.cfg », « MEM4X0XC.CML » and « SYSFONTTBL.BIN »
Warning: removing USB key without using the remove hardware
icon can lead to a malfunction of the USB key.
SAS au capital de 135 720 € - RCS Romans B414 581 363 – Code APE 2841 Z – Siret 414 581 363 00028 – TVA FR13414 581 363
Export data from screen to USB key.
When finished, switch off power
source or press this button and wait
for the message: USB key not
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